Newsletter No. 349

No. 349, 19.12.2009 The 67 th C ongregation 第三四九期 二零零九年十二月十九日 No. 349 19 December 2009 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at ( To be continued ) T he Chinese University of Hong Kong held its 67th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on 10 December. Dr. the Honourable Donald Tsang, GBM, Chancellor of the University, presided at the Congregation. The Chinese University conferred honorary doctorates on three distinguished persons, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to academic and scientific advancements, socio- economic progress, promotion of the well- being of the people, and the development of the University. They were: Dr. Song Jian (left), Dr. the Honourable Tang Ying-yen Henry (below), and Prof. Roger Y. Tsien (bottom). 香 港中文大學在12月 10日舉行第六十七 屆頒授學位典禮,由大學監 督曾蔭權博士大紫荊勳賢主 持,頒授榮譽博士學位、高 級學位及學士學位共七千一 百三十九個。 大學在這次大會頒授榮譽博 士學位予三位傑出人士,以 表彰他們對促進科學技術和 社會經濟發展、增進人民福 祉,以及對中大發展的傑出 貢獻,他們分別為宋健博士 ( 上 )、唐英年博士( 中 )和 錢永健教授( 下 )。 獲頒法學博士學位的宋健博 士,是國家傑出領導人及知名科學家,對國家科 學發展有非凡貢獻,並且一直鼎力支持中大的科 研項目,惠賜寶貴意見。 另一位獲頒榮譽法學博士學位的是現任香港特別 行政區政務司司長唐英年博士。他盡心盡力為香 港市民服務,對本港公共服務及工商業發展貢獻 良多。 錢永健教授則獲頒授榮譽理學博士學位。錢教 授以其對熒光蛋白的研究獲得2008年度諾貝爾 化學獎。他在答謝演說中指出: 大學教育最彌足珍貴之處,是 作為學生遮風擋雨的天地,供 他們修讀不同學科,涉獵不同學 術領域,選擇不同的事業,讓每 個人從中認清自己的興趣和潛能 所在。 四所成員書院也在同日下午為其 本科生舉行畢業典禮。碩士學位課 程畢業典禮則於12月11日和12日分 八節於邵逸夫堂和林蔭大道舉行。 二零零八至零九年度頒授學位數目 Breakdown of Degrees Conferred in 2008-09 榮譽博士 Honorary Doctorate 3 醫學博士 Doctor of Medicine 5 哲學博士 Doctor of Philosophy 247 教育博士 Doctor of Education 4 音樂博士 Doctor of Music 1 心理學博士 Doctor of Psychology 1 哲學碩士 Master of Philosophy 320 文學碩士 Master of Arts 1,415 神道學碩士 Master of Divinity 9 藝術碩士 Master of Fine Arts 3 音樂碩士 Master of Music 2 會計學碩士 Master of Accountancy 40 工商管理碩士 Master of Business Administration 438 專業會計學碩士Master of Professional Accountancy 70 教育碩士 Master of Education 112 法律博士 Juris Doctor 109 法學碩士 Master of Laws 214 臨牀藥劑學碩士 Master of Clinical Pharmacy 19 家庭醫學碩士 Master of Family Medicine 4 健康科學碩士 Master of Health Science 16 護理碩士 Master of Nursing 19 職業醫學碩士 Master of Occupational Medicine 8 公共衞生碩士 Master of Public Health 27 中醫學碩士 Master of Chinese Medicine 6 理學碩士 Master of Science 813 建築碩士 Master of Architecture 38 社會科學碩士 Master of Social Science 230 社會工作碩士 Master of Social Work 21 文學士 Bachelor of Arts 503 工商管理學士 Bachelor of Business Administration 617 文學士及教育學士 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education 32 教育學士 Bachelor of Education 22 工程學士 Bachelor of Engineering 332 內外全科醫學士 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 133 護理學士 Bachelor of Nursing 171 藥劑學士 Bachelor of Pharmacy 27 中醫學學士 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine 17 理學士 Bachelor of Science 596 社會科學學士 Bachelor of Social Science 495 總數 Total 7,139 第六十七屆大會 the technological and economic advancements of China and has rendered his valuable advice and encouragement to help CUHK promote research and development in science and technology. Also conferred the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, was Dr. the Honourable Tang Ying-yen Henry. Now the Chief Secretary for Administration of the HKSAR, Dr. Tang has made remarkable contributions in public service and industry and commerce, and offered outstanding and dedicated service to the Hong Kong community. Prof. Roger Y. Tsien was conferred the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa . Professor Tsien was awarded Dr. Song Jian was conferred the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa . He is a distinguished state leader and a world -renowned scientist, who has made exceptional contributions to