Newsletter No. 331

No. 331, 19.1.2009 恭賀新禧 Happy New Year 新春假期後,本刊下一期(第三三二期) 將於2月19日出版 。 The CUHK Newsletter will take a break after the 19 January issue and resume publication on 19 February. 第三三一期 二零零九年一月十九日 No. 331 19 January 2009 附表Table 主講嘉賓 Speakers 講題 Topics 程翔先生 Mr. Ching Cheong 吾愛吾國 I Love My Country 鄧紹斌(斌仔)先生 Mr. Tang Siu-pun ( ‘ Pun Chai ’ ) 我要活下去 I Am Living 鍾尚志教授 Prof. Sydney Chung 刀下留人 The Kindest Cut 孫耀威先生 Mr. Eric Suen 生命中的抉擇 It ’ s Your Call 莊陳有先生 Mr. Chong Chan-yau 放「眼」看世界 Seeing Beyond the Naked Eye 黃金寶先生 Mr. Wong Kam-po 我是單車手 I Am a Cyclist 中 大一貫重視全人教育,各書院肩負非形式教育的 重任,創造親切和睦的環境,促進師生或朋輩間的 交流溝通;並舉辦各種通識教育及文娛活動,讓學生拓展 視野,提升對香港社會、中國文化乃至世界事物的理解與 分析,並透過參與活動發展個人潛能。 逸夫書院自本學年開始舉辦高桌晚宴,便是希望藉着嘉 賓與學生分享見聞,豐富他們的閱歷和增強對書院的歸屬 感。教師亦獲邀參與,增進師生互動。 凡是二年級或以上的學生都可報名參加晚宴,院方並預留 名額給非本地生。晚宴前特設接待會,讓主講嘉賓和師生 閒談,互相認識,接着才是晚宴和演講。講座環節由兩位學 生主持,他們並負責訪問嘉賓,因此,必須事先搜集講者 與講題的資料,研究主持和採訪技巧。這樣的安排推動同 學積極參與,使互動更有效率。 書院至今已舉辦了六次高桌晚宴( 見附表 ),每次吸引逾百 名師生及書院校董參與。主講嘉賓職業各殊,背景互異, 惟有一點共通,便是都具有精采獨特的人生經驗。院方表 示,嘉賓名單是經過廣泛物色、反覆考慮才敲定的,講者 必須切合書院關懷社會、認識世界的宗旨。 C UHK takes great pride in its whole-person education. The constituent Colleges deliver ‘student-orientated teaching’, creating a congenial community for students to interact closely with teachers and peers. The Colleges organize general education courses and cultural, recreational and sports activities to sharpen the minds of students, cultivating in them an awareness of the world, and nurturing in them a sense of responsibility towards it. Students are encouraged to develop their full potential through participation in various activities. Shaw College has launched High Table Dinners from this academic year with the aim of expanding students’ horizon and enhancing their sense of belonging to the College through sharing by the guest speakers. Teachers are also invited to take part in the dinners, so they can have better interaction with the students. All students of Year 2 or above are welcome to register for the dinners and some seats are reserved for non- local students. There is a pre-dinner reception where students can chat with guests and get to know the teachers in attendance. The dinner and talk will then follow. Two students are responsible for hosting the talk and interviewing the guest speaker. This is designed to give students more knowledge about the speakers and to teach them the skills of research and interviewing. Six High Table Dinners (see table) have been organized since September. Each attracted over 100 participants including students, teachers and College trustees. The guest speakers were chosen from different sectors of the community. 我看高桌晚宴 I’m All for It 徐耀光先生(書院校董) Mr. Tsui Yiu-kwong (member of the Board of Trustees, Shaw College) 「它提供珍貴機會予學生在聚會時與陌生人建 立人際網絡,在輕鬆的晚宴中與老師交流互動, 從聆聽主講嘉賓的獨特識見中獲益。這過程正是 體現書院制促進全人發展的好例子。」 ‘I highly commend the High Table Dinners for being valuable learning opportunities. Students can network with strangers at the reception, interact with teachers over a relaxed dinner, and broaden their perspectives by listening to the guest speakers. The process is a good example of total education as manifested by the college system of CUHK.’ (To be continued) 高桌上的高識卓見 High Minds at the High Table 逸夫書院院長沈祖堯教授(中)介紹主講嘉賓莊陳有先生(左) Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (centre), head of Shaw College, introducing Mr. Chong Chan-yau (left), the guest speaker