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CUHK Partners with Coursera to Offer Online Education

CUHK announced an agreement to partner with Coursera, a leading massive open online course (MOOC) platform on 21 February, to bring CUHK’s courses online worldwide and available to everyone for free. CUHK will be hosting five debut online courses reaching students across the globe in two years’ time starting from this September. They are ‘The Beauty of Kunqu Opera’, ‘Classics of Chinese Humanities: Guided Readings’, ‘Structural Equation Model and its Applications’, ‘The Role of Renminbi (RMB) in the International Monetary System’ and ‘Information Theory’.

Since the launch of Coursera in April 2012, the company has registered a total of almost 2.7 million users, and is seeing approximately 1.45 million course enrollments per month. Coursera has partnered with top-tier universities around the world, including Stanford University, California Institute of Technology, Columbia University, University of Michigan, and the University of Washington.

For details, please click here.