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CUHK Green Work Widely Recognized

From left: Ms. Vivian Ho, Director of Campus Planning and Sustainability; Prof. Fung Tung, Associate Vice-President; Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Acting Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Chu Lee-man, chairman of the Committee on Campus Environment; Mr. Benny Tam, Director of Estates Management
From right: Jor Fan, environmental sustainability manager of Estates Management Office, Ms. Vivian Ho, Director of Campus Planning and Sustainability and Prof. Chu Lee-man, chairman of the Committee on Campus Environment, receiving the green award by U Magazine

CUHK was honoured for the second time with the Gold Award for the Public Organizations and Utilities Sector of the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE). The award ceremony was held on 2 May. The University was also voted 'My Favourite Green Campus: Tertiary Institution' by U Magazine and received the award on 8 May.

A record number of 896 institutions vied for the HKAEE awards in 2013. The key factors of the assessment criteria are green leadership, programme and performance, and partner synergy. CUHK staff and students have made remarkable achievements in energy conservation, water conservation, waste reduction, ecology preservation and environmental improvement, and collaborated closely with suppliers and canteens in green purchasing, promotion of low-carbon diet and reduction of food waste. Apart from its all-out efforts on campus, CUHK reaches out to the community to raise awareness of sustainability.

The HKAEE was launched in 2008 by the Environmental Campaign Committee in conjunction with nine organizations. It gives recognition to achievements of different sectors in environmental management. In 2013 the scheme had 12 Sector Awards for big businesses and 4 Sector Awards for small and medium enterprises, with Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award and Certificate of Merit for each.

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