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Student Campus Work Scheme 2014–15

Applications for grants under the Student Campus Work Scheme are now invited from members of the academic and administrative staff. The aim of the scheme is to help needy students by providing opportunities for paid campus work, in the form of assisting University academics/administrators in their projects.

The nature of the work should be confined to:

  • assisting academic staff in their research projects;
  • assisting administrative staff (executive officer rank or above) in short-term projects that require a large task force;
  • any other job assignments as approved by the Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme.

Current Remuneration for undergraduates and postgraduates is HK$50/hour (subject to review). Details of the scheme and application forms have been sent to the heads of departments and administrative units. Staff members who are interested in applying should obtain application forms from their offices and return the completed forms to the Secretary, Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme, c/o Scholarships and Financial Aid, Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, Room 1202, Yasumoto International Academic Park, no later than 30 September 2014.


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