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Editor's Note

The dream of many youths is to make a difference. As education increasingly values social experience, more opportunities are opened up for students to give back to society during their course of studies. Over 10 postgraduate students of CUHK have landed internships in United Nations agencies to help developing regions in the Asia Pacific combat natural disasters. They used their knowledge of virtual geographic environments to help the UN improve services related to natural disaster relief. With such skills and potential, it is not surprising that they should go from operation to management soon after they join the workforce.

Middle management is the thick filling in the modern organizational sandwich. Some say this sizeable middle section holds no real power but is held accountable anyway. Let's see what H has to say to the rookie about this.

'Bringing together China and the West' is a founding value of the University and Chan Hing-yan, alumnus of the CUHK Department of Music, knows this best, and creates Chinese operas out of the box for the modern era. On the eve of the launch of his latest musical venture, he found time to talk to us about the creative experience.


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