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Business School Alumni Celebrate Easter with People with Down Syndrome

Alumni volunteers join friends of the DS Centre in touring ‘The Purest People’ photo exhibition
Fellow alumni and their friends of the DS Centre displaying the beautifully decorated Easter eggs

On 28 March, over 20 Faculty of Business Administration alumni spent a heart-warming weekend to celebrate Easter with friends of the DS Centre—The Centre for People with Down Syndrome, associated with the Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association.

The visit was packed with fabulous programmes, including Easter eggs decoration, a magic show, and a fun tea. All alumni prepared a gift each for this special occasion to show their love and care for the needy. To conclude the fruitful visit, there was an inspiring tour of 'The Purest People' photo exhibition in nearby CC Wu Building, which captured the touching beauty of the centre's members.

It was the first community event of the year organized by the Faculty's Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office. Mr. Chris Cheung, centre-in-charge of the DS Centre, said, 'We are pleased to be a partner of the CUHK Faculty of Business Administration in promoting volunteerism in Hong Kong. Building on this meaningful event, we hope to draw more awareness to people with Down syndrome.'

To view the photos and highlight video, please click here.


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