Annual Report 2017–18

眾擎易舉 黽勉同心 Joining Hands and Hearts to Make a Change 45 HKJC Scholars Graduation Dinner Five CUHK students were awarded The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships (HKJC Scholarships) at the Presentation Ceremony and Graduation Dinner held on 10 July 2018. The year 2018 marked the 20th anniversary of the HKJC Scholarships, which to date have been presented to a total of 64 CUHK students who distinguished themselves in academic performance and community service. 賽馬會獎學金 香港賽馬會獎學金頒授典禮暨畢業晚宴於 2018年7月10日舉行,典禮上五名中大學 生獲頒發賽馬會獎學金。賽馬會獎學金於 2018年慶祝成立二十周年,迄今已頒授予 六十四位成績優異、熱心服務的中大學生。 重要捐贈進展 Updates on Major Donations 善長不斷的支持,鼓舞我們繼往開來。 Our donors’ ongoing support in 2017–18 has spurred us on to forging even stronger ties with the community. 賽馬會慈善及社區事務執行總監張亮先生(前排左一);主禮嘉賓李明逵先生(前排左二);中大校長段崇智教授(前排右二) Executive Director, Charities and Community of HKJC, Mr. Cheung Leong (1st left, front row); Guest of Honour, Mr. Dick M.K. Lee (2nd left, front row); and CUHK Vice-Chancellor and President, Prof. Rocky S. Tuan (2nd right, front row)