Annual Report 2018–19

52 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2018–2019 The University’s net assets increased by $1,100 million or 5.5% to $21.17 billion as at 30 June 2019. Total investments dropped slightly by $38 million or 0.4% to $8,653 million due to the combined effect of the maturity of HKD and RMB bonds, injection of new funds to investment portfolios managed by external investment managers together with the revaluation gain for the year. The cash and short-term deposits increased significantly by $2,582 million or 26.1% to $12,492 million, mainly due to the one-off allocation of $1,202 million from the UGC for six hostel development projects. The net book value of fixed assets reached $6,015 million as at 30 June 2019, a slight decrease of $88 million or 1.4%. For assets acquired by funds from the government or government agencies with conditions attached, the balances of their aggregate net book value were treated as deferred capital funds. The balance in deferred capital funds decreased by $57 million or 1.6% to $3,551 million as at 30 June 2019. Taking into account the operating results achieved for the financial year 2018–19, the General and Development Reserve Fund dropped slightly to $2.43 billion, the UGC matching grants fund was maintained at $1.41 billion, and the total restricted funds grew to $17.33 billion, with an aggregate total of $21.17 billion to support the University’s long-range development in meeting its strategic goals and missions. 財務狀況 Financial Position 截至2019年6月30日,大學總資產淨值 進一步增長十一億元或百分之五點五至 二百一十一億七千萬元。總投資則輕微下 跌三千八百萬元或百分之零點四至八十六 億五千三百萬元,是由於部分港元及人 民幣債券到期、增撥額外資金予投資組 合及投資重估收益。現金及銀行短期存 款顯著增加二十五億八千二百萬元或百分 之二十六點一至一百二十四億九千二百萬 元,主要來自用作興建六幢學生宿舍的教 資會十二億二百萬元一次性撥款。 截至2019年6月30日,大學的固定資產帳 面淨值為六十億一千五百萬元,輕微下 跌八千八百萬元或百分之一點四。以政府 或政府機構附帶條件的撥款購置的固定 資產,其帳面淨值將列入遞延資產基金 內。截至2019年6月30日,遞延資產基金 亦下跌五千七百萬元或百分之一點六至 三十五億五千一百萬元。 總結2018至19財政年度的營運表現,一 般及發展儲備基金輕微下跌至二十四億 三千萬元,教資會配對補助基金為十四億 一千萬元及專用基金上升至一百七十三 億三千萬元,基金總額達二百一十一億七 千萬元,用來支持大學的長遠發展,達成 各項策略目標和使命。