Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 4 Jan 1968

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O L U M E F O U R • J A N U A R Y 1 9 6 8 • N U M B E R F O U R CONTENTS Page G ro u n d -B re a k in g Ceremony o f T h e U n iv e rs ity Site ............................... 1 A S A IH L S e m in a r ................................................. 3 Cham ber Scholarships ........................................ 4 New Chung C h i Board o f Governors and College C o u n c il................................................. 4 S taff Developm ent ........................................ 5 S taff P rofiles .......................................................... 5 Com ings and Goings ........................................ 6 O b itu a ry ........................................................... 6 GROUND-BREAKING CEREMONY OF THE UN IVERS ITY SITE I t was a b rig h t sunny m o rn ing on Saturday, 9th December, 1967, when the U n iv e rs ity held its mem o rable G roun d -B re a kin g Ceremony o f the new campus site next to C hung C h i College, high above the h ills o f Shatin and ove rlooking T o lo H a rbour. T h e sounds o f a helicopter hovering above heralded the a rriv a l o f H is Excellency the G ove rnor S ir D avid T re n c h . As soon as it landed. H is Excellency stepped ou t and was welcomed by the V ice -C hance llo r D r. C h o h -M in g L i. Toge ther they rode up to the campus site and were greeted on arrival by D r. the H on. C .Y . K w a n , Chairm an o f the U n iv e rs ity C oun cil, M r. E dw in W ebb M a rtin , U .S . Consul General in H ong K on g , D r. R .C . Lee, V ice -C hairm an o f the C oun cil and Chairman o f the Campus P lanning Comm ittee, and the H on. W . Szeto, U n iv e rs ity A rch ite ct. T h e V ice -C hance llo r opened the ceremony w ith a sho rt welcome address to approxim ately five hundred guests’ in c lu d in g many p rom in e n t members o f the comm u nity. T hen H is Excellency, accompanied by the Hon. C .Y . Kw an, D r. R .C . Lee, and the Hon. Szeto proceeded to the tree p lan ting site to plan t a tree. “ By the p la n tin g o f this tree, I am sym bolizing the start o f construction w o rk on the new b u ild in g o f T he Chinese U n iv e rs ity o f H ong K o n g ," said S ir David. ‘‘T h is is another land m ark in the histo ry o f the U n iv e r s ity's progress— and I hope and expect tha t the develop­ ment o f th is site w ill now proceed w ith all speed," he added. T h e n the Lancashire F u silie rs' Band played a fanfare and H is Excellency returned to the dais w ith the party. M r. E dw in W ebb M a rtin , U .S . Consul General in H ong K o n g , accompanied by the Hon. Szeto, p ro ceeded to lay the foundation stone o f the Benjam in F ra n k lin Centre. T he funds fo r this Centre had been con tribu te d by the citizens o f the U n ite d States. Again, the band played a fanfare as M r. M a rtin re tu rne d to his seat. (F u ll te xt o f M r. M a rtin 's speech on page 3). T h e V ice-Chancellor, in his address to the assembly, said, " T h is U n iv e rs ity was created by the Governm ent and the people o f H o ng K on g . Its creation was possible because so many people had the w ill and the vision to w o rk together... Here we shall remember the long h isto ry o f Chinese higher education and pledge our allegiance to its great tra d itio n s : the Chinese language and its lite ra tu re ." He then concluded, " T h is U n iv e r sity is set on a h ill. N o th in g tha t is set on a h ill can be hidden. L e t it be known tha t this U n iv e rs ity is set on this h ill as a beacon. W ith h u m ility and w ith courage we shall endeavour to give lig h t to the w o rld .” (F u ll text o f the speech on page 2).