Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 8 May 1968

occupational information, research on remuneration and employment trends as well as in organizing training courses with orientation to the furtherance of career interests. On service to employers, the office w ill channel and follow up their referrals for personnel replacements and executive development and provide closer contacts between prospective employers and employees. The work of individual counselling to students, their nomination, recom mendation and final placement w ill be handled as before by the Colleges' own offices. Thus the University's Appointments Service is primarily a co-ordinating centre of student services and a clearing house o f employment information. INVITATION TO JOIN EROPA The University has been invited to join as a group member the Eastern Regional Organization fo r Public Adm inistration (ER O P A ), which is an organization of states, groups and individuals in Asia. EROPA came into being in 1960 in response to a common desire among developing countries to promote regional co-operation in improving knowledge, systems and practices of governmental administration to help accelerate economic and social development. The Organization endeavours to achieve its objectives through regional conferences, seminars, special studies, surveys and training p ro grammes w ithin the region. Its activities are carried out through the EROPA headquarters located in Manila, as well as through its three regional centres in Saigon, New Delhi and Tokyo. The University has also been invited to attend the 5th General Assembly of EROPA to be held in Kuala Lumpur on 20th— 27th June, 1968. SUMMER JOBS FOR LIBA STUDENTS Prof. Maurice Moonitz, D irector of the Lingnan Institute of Business Adm inistration of the Univer sity, announced that some of the first-year students of the Institute have already been offered summer employment in leading commercial and industrial concerns, and probably more summer jobs w ill be available fo r the other students. In the past, students in the first-year class of the Institute held full-time posts in local firms and earned favourable reports, and in some cases a promise of a permanent post upon their graduation. The Lingnan Institute of Business Adm inis tration offers a two-year postgraduate course in Business Adm inistration leading to a Master's degree in this field. UNIVERSITY PUBLIC LECTURES • A t the invitation of the University, Dr. Howard L. Boorman, D irector of East Asian Studies and Professor of H istory at Vanderbilt University, delivered a public lecture on “ Recent United States Studies on 20th-century Chinese H istory" on 26th A p ril at the C ity Hall. Professor Boorman served as Consul in Hong Kong from 1950 to 1954, and subsequently associat ed w ith Columbia University until recently. Dr. Boorman is Editor in charge of the preparation of Biographical D i c t i o na r y o f Republican Ch i na (4 volumes). He is also a member of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, the United States Council on Foreign Relations, and of the Editorial Board of China Quarterly (London ). Professor Boorman arrived in Hong Kong on 23rd A p ril fo r a three-week visit sponsored by the State Department of the United States. During his stay he also gave lectures fo r the Hong Kong Baptist College and the University of Hong Kong. • Professor Gerald D. Fasman, Professor of Biochemistry at Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, delivered a public chemistry lecture jo in tly sponsored by The Chinese University and the University of Hong Kong, on 3rd A p ril at the Chemistry Theatre of the University of Hong Kong. Professor Fasman spoke on ‘T he Use of Optical Rotatory Dispersion fo r the Determination of the Conformation of Polypeptidest Proteins” . Besides calling on the University, Professor Fasman also visited the Chemistry Department of United College. • Dr. Endel J, Kolde, Professor of Marketing and International Business of the University of Washington, visited Hong Kong from 25th A p ril to 3rd May. He gave a public lecture on "Interna tional Trade Policy at the Crossroads" on 2nd May at the C ity Hall, under the joint sponsorship of the Lingnan Institute of Business Adm inistration and the Department of Extramural Studies of the University. Dr. Kolde was also guest of honour at an informal reception given by the Lingnan Institute of Business Adm inistration on 27th Ap ril. • Professor F ritz Eichenberg of the Pratt In stitute and the University of Rhode Island delivered a public lecture sponsored by the Department of Extramural Studies of the University on 27th A p ril. Professor Eichenberg spoke on "Contemporary Graphic A rts in America” . — 2 —