Newsletter No. 217

四十周年校慶活動 40th Anniversary Celebrations 四十周年校慶活動啟動儀式及「中大慈善健步行暨繽紛嘉年華」 Kick-off ceremony of the CUHK 40th Anniversary celebrations and Round-the-CU Walkathon and Carnival 大學上月二十三日在嶺南運動場舉行四十周 年校慶活動啟動儀式及「中大慈善健步行暨繽紛嘉 年華」,標誌跨越一年的校慶活動正式展開。 當日活動贊助人為大學教育資助委員會主席林 李翹如博士、大學校董會主席利漢釗博士、四十周 年校慶籌劃委員會主席鄭明訓先生及金耀基校長。 他們聯同四十周年校慶統籌及工作委員會主席廖柏 偉教授,以及慈善健步行暨繽紛嘉年華督導委員會 主席俞靄敏女士主持校慶啟動儀式和健步行起步 禮。 健步行共有三條路線,環繞校園不同景致。參 與善舉的步行隊伍共二十六支,其中八支由香港的 企業、團體和學校組成。健步行籌得的善款將惠贈 醫學院癌症中心,支持醫護人員和癌症病人攜手共 創治癌新里程。 繽紛嘉年華以「清新環境與健康生活」為主 題,場內設多種遊戲、民間藝術、小吃及購物攤 位’並有兒童園地及騎馬場,更有香港和中大歷史 乃至香港自然生態圖片展覽。中大有關院系在場提 供健康資訊並作示範,而醫學院師生及校友更免費 為參加者提供體格檢驗服務。 總計全日參與活動的嘉賓、校友、員生和市民 逾六千人。 The University's 40th anniversary celebrations commenced on 23rcl February 2003 at the Lingnan Stadium, with both the kick-off ceremony and the starting event of the Round-the-CU Walkathon taking place in the morning. The patrons of the events were Dr. Alice Lam, chairperson of the University Grants Committee, Dr. Lee Hon Chiu, chairman of the University Council, Mr. Paul Cheng, chairman of the CUHK 40th Anniversary Celebration Organizing Committee, and Prof. Ambrose Y.C. King, vice-chancellor of the University. They joined Prof. P.W. Liu, chairman of the 40th Anniversary Celebration Coordinating and Working Committee, and Ms. Amy Yui, convener of the Round-the-CU Walkathon and Carnival Steering Committee to officiate at the events. A total of 26 teams from the University, industry, local schools, and other organizations participated in the walkathon. The aim was to raise funds for the Cancer Centre of the University's Faculty of Medicine to develop new treatments, tests, and facilities, and to support health care workers and cancer patients on their 'Road to Cancer Cure'. The Carnival's theme was 'Our World, Our Environment'. There were games, food stalls, horse-riding, an exhibition of the University's history and Hong Kong's natural environment, and free health checks. An estimated 6,000 guests, alumni, staff, students of the University and members of the public took part in the day's activities. (左起)廖柏偉教授、金耀基校長、林李翹如博士、利漢釗博士、鄭明訓先生及俞靄敏女士主持校慶 啟動儀式 (From left) Prof. P.W. Liu, Prof. Ambrose King, Dr. Alice Lam, Dr. Lee Hon Chiu, Mr. Paul Cheng, and Ms. Amy Yui officiating at the kick-off ceremony 特別為「中大四十」而製作、長二十五米的 金龍連同醒獅,展開序幕表演。 The 25-metre gold dragon created especially for the celebrations makes its debut with the accompaniment of a lion dance. 4 No. 217 4th March 2003