Newsletter No. 311

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 今 天的中學生,許多將是明天的大學生。不 少中學生對大學的學習方式或許還不是太 清楚。因此,中大的入學及學生資助處自2004 – 05年度起,每學期都舉辦約四次「中學生公開講座 系列」,邀請全港四百多所中學的師生參加,以令 中學生更了解大學,並認識心儀學科的研究路向。 講座由八個學院的老師輪流主講,題目自訂,都 是饒富趣味和貼近日常生活的。去年的其中三次講 座,平均每次約有三十所中學出席,講堂內二百四 十多個座位座無虛席,反映了其受歡迎的程度。 香港金融中心之路何去何從? 10月24日,財務學系蘇偉文教授以「香港金融中心 之路何去何從?」為題主講。蘇教授風趣幽默,深 入淺出,為同學在學習及日後就業帶來啟迪。在總 結時,他特別留下一條問題給同學思考︰「如何鞏 固香港國際金融中心的地位?我沒有答案,讓你們 再過十年大學畢業後,找出將來的發展路向吧。」 醫學生涯是怎麼一回事 由醫學院院長霍泰輝 教 授主講的「醫學生涯是怎麼 一回事」,於11月9日舉行。 霍教授的講座生動有趣,就像與同學閑話家常般。 在他所介紹的醫生生涯中,最令同學印象深刻的, 可能是醫生除了要有救治病人的本事,更重要的是 「應具備中國傳統仁義禮智信的優良品德,以及至 高無上的犧牲精神」。講座結束後,一位中五同學 說︰「以前我以為當醫生只要學習如何診症便可, 原來還要學習做人處世啊!」 以地理學方法解決人地系統問題 地理學講座教授梁怡教授於12月19日主講「解決人 地系統緊迫問題的地理學方法」。梁教授講述全 球暖化、環境保護及城市化問題等,特別提醒同學 說︰「二十世紀是過去一千年中最溫暖的世紀。」 他指出目前發展中國家城市化所帶來的難題,呼籲 人們改變消費模式,做好資源管理及保護環境,以 達至可持續發展。 講座預告 入學及學生資助處將於1月23日及2月25日再舉辦講 座,分別由生物化學系陳竟明教授及歷史學講座教 授科大衞教授主講「全球暖化的挑戰和機遇」和「辛 亥革命究竟發生了甚麼事?」。 T oday’s secondary school students will be tomorrow’s university students. Since 2004–05, the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA) has been holding the Public Lecture Series for Secondary School Students. There are about four lectures in every semester, and teachers and students of over 400 secondary schools are invited to attend. The lectures serve to give secondary students a better idea of the University and the research directions of their favorite disciplines. Hosted by the teachers from the eight Faculties, their topics are interesting and relevant to daily life. The last three lectures held last year attracted a packed audience of about 240 on average. Hong Kong’s Future as a Financial Hub On 24 October 2007, Prof. So Wai-man Raymond from the Department of Finance gave a lecture entitled ‘Keeping the Crown Jewel Shine’. Using a humorous approach, his talk aimed at encouraging students to think about their studies and future employment. At the end of his talk, he gave thema question to consider after they graduate from university 10 years down the road, and that is, how they would strengthen Hong Kong’s status as an international financial centre. What Is Being a Doctor All About? On 9 November 2007, Prof. Fok Tai-fai, dean of the Faculty of Medicine, delivered a lively lecture entitled ‘The Road to Be a Healer’. He made the point that doctors should not only have the ability to treat or cure, they should also possess the traditional Chinese virtues of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and integrity, and of paramount importance, the spirit of sacrifice. A Secondary 5 student commented after the lecture, ‘Before, I had thought a doctor only needed to diagnose illnesses. Now I know they also need to behave in a professional and ethical way.’ Geographer’s Approach to Environmental Problems On 19 December 2007, Prof. Leung Yee, Professor of Geography, gave a lecture on ‘Solving Pressing Problems in the Human-Land-Air-Sea System: the Geographers’ Approach’. He touched on the topics of global warming, environmental protection and urbanization, pointing out the problems caused by developing countries which can only be solved by a change in consumption, improvements in resource management, and efforts at achieving sustainable development. In particular, he reminded the students that the 20th century is the warmest century in the past 1,000 years. Forthcoming Lectures The OAFA will organize two lectures on 23 January and 25 February. Prof. Chan King-ming from the Department of Biochemistry and Prof. David Faure, Professor of History, will speak on ‘Global Warming: Challenges and Solutions’ and ‘What Happened During the 1911 Revolution?’ respectively. 給未來的大學生 — 中學生公開講座系列 Public Lecture Series for Future Freshmen 其他消息 Other News 以下消息詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following news are available at 中國生部門改革 與可持續性籌資旗 艦培訓課程 Flagship Course on Health Sector Reform and Sustainable Financing for China ■ 文物保護與南中國史前考古國際研討會 International Conference on Heritage Conservation and the Prehistoric Archaeology of South China ■ 中醫中藥研究所協辦「中醫中藥 中國行香港活動」 Institute of Chinese Medicine Co- organizes ‘Promotion of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China – Hong Kong’ Programmes ■ 最優化與訊號處理 工作坊 Workshop on Optimization and Signal Processing ■ 公共衞生學院 畢業典禮 School of Public Health Graduation Ceremony ■ 全港教師乒乓球錦標賽圓滿閉幕 Hong Kong Teachers Table Tennis Championship a Great Success ■ 霍泰輝教授與學生分享行醫經驗 Prof. Fok Tai-fai shares his experience with secondary students