Newsletter No. 319

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 名聽障兒童於2006年8月參與中 大手語及聾人研究中心的「賽馬 會手語雙語共融教育計劃」,與健聽兒 童一起以手語和口語學習。經過一年多 的觀察,發現不但聾生的認字和表達能 力進步了,連健聽生的學習表現亦有所 提升。 聾校非採用手語授課 這個獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金撥款近 6,500萬港元支持的研究項目,為期七 年,是亞洲首個以學前及小學教育作試 點的手語口語共融教育計劃,旨在透過 聾人導師及健聽教師的合作,推行一個 手語及口語並行、聾生與健聽學生共融 學習的環境。 聾童不就是會手語的嗎?為何需要研究 這嶄新的教育模式? 「因為政府及聾人學校是不提倡手語教 學的。」語言學及現代語言系系主任兼 中心主任鄧慧蘭教授(圖)解釋:「社 會人士普遍存有誤解,以為聾校會採用 手語授課,其實不然。」 雖然聾人的聽力受損,但他們的發聲器 官沒有問題,只因為聽不到,在學習 發音時便遇到不少困難。鄧教授說: 「香港的聾人教育採用了傳統的『口語 教學』模式,聾童靠助聽器或電子耳 蝸,利用剩餘的聽力在課堂上接收訊 息,同時學習讀唇,以便日後投身社 會,融入健聽社群。 「聾校的教師多是健聽人士,不懂手 語,而校方也不鼓勵學生打手語,聾童 之間的溝通往往流於有限的手語,手勢 及零碎的口語。 「回到家裏,情況也差不多。九成的聾 童都是在健聽家庭長大,家人自然不會 利用手語跟聾童溝通;即使父母是聽障 的,有些也不懂手語,懂的也未必以此 跟子女溝通,為的是怕耽誤子女的口語 發展。其實這些都是他們對手語的誤 解。」 口語教學障礙不少 鄧教授表示,兒童的學習能力相當依靠 他們對教學語言的掌握。有些詞彙發音 的口型非常近似,如「浪漫」和「老 闆」,要聾童單憑觀察口型來了解對話 內容,並非易事,更遑論通過老師講解 來學習抽象的知識。是以,雖然聾生與 健聽生智力相若,但他們普遍出現語文 能力薄弱和學習表現欠佳等問題。 口語教學著重言語及聽覺訓練,要求聾 生不斷重覆學習發音。口語能力薄弱的 手語及聾人研究中心的標誌由三張表情豐富的臉孔組成。健聽人和聾人透過中間的 「橋樑」連接起來,健聽人的「耳朵」和「咀巴」變成了聾人的「手」和「口」。 手拉著手的姿勢則連貫了不同的手語及聾人文化。而從最後一張臉孔伸展出來的 「手 / 耳」則代表跟其他健聽和聾人世界的聯繫。這個標誌由鄧慧蘭教授的朋友 設計,榮獲American Design Awards的2005年冬季設計賽亞軍。 ince August 2006, six hearing-impaired students have been studying with hearing students in mainstream schools using both sign and spoken languages under the Jockey Club Sign Bilingualism and Co- enrolment in Deaf Education Programme (JC-SLCO). Since then, the literacy level and ability of expression of the deaf students have improved, and the hearing students have performed better academically. Sign Language Not Used to Teach in Deaf Schools JC-SLCO is organized by the Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies of the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages of the Chinese University, and supported by a donation of HK$ 65 million from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Lasting seven years, the programme is the first deaf-hearing integrated teaching programme for pre-school and primary education using both sign and spoken languages. Teaching is conducted by hearing and deaf teachers and the students comprise deaf and hearing children. Both sign and spoken languages are used in the classroom. But don’t the deaf know sign language? Why is it necessary to study teaching that adopts sign bilingualism? Prof. Gladys W.L. Tang (photo), chairman, Department of Linguistics andModern Languages, and director of the Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies, shed light on a few misconceptions. ‘Deaf schools do not teach using sign language,’ she said. ‘Hong Kong adopts the lip-reading instruction method. With the help of hearing aids or cochlear implants, deaf students make use of their residual hearing ability and learn to understand speech by visually interpreting the movements of the lips. Then they practise speech in order to communicate with the hearing. ‘There are almost no deaf teachers in deaf schools. Sign language is seldom used in the classroom. Deaf students thus communicate with each other by limited sign language, gestures, and speech. ‘Close to 90% of deaf children were born in hearing families, so it is understood that sign language is not commonly used at home. In fact, only some deaf parents know sign language. But they mistakenly think that the use of sign language will impede the oral development of their children, so they are reluctant to use it.’ Limitations of Lip-reading Prof. Tang continued, ‘The ability of children to master the teaching language greatly affects how much knowledge they acquire. Because some words have similar pronunciations and mouth movements, it is not easy to understand conversations or abstract concepts by lip-reading. That is why lower literacy skills and education attainment are the norm of deaf students rather than the exception.’ Lip-reading emphasizes listening and pronouncing the same words repeatedly. Deaf students who are weak in speech tend to be frustrated by it and lose interest in learning. New Frontiers in Deaf-Hearing Co-enrolment Education 聾生往往因此產生挫折感,大大減低 學習語言的興趣。 融合教育引發的問題 本港曾有四所聾人學校,然而,政府 提出融合教育的政策,鼓勵有特殊教 育需要的學生入讀主流學校。聾人學 校有的已關閉,有的在轉型,現在, 專供聽障生入讀的只餘下一所路德會 啟聾學校。 現時全港約有3,900名聽障程度不同的 學生入讀主流的幼稚園和中小學。惟 主流學校師生的比例是一對二十至三 十多,教師未必能照顧個別聾生的需 要。隨著課程愈趨艱深,只靠讀唇學 習的聾生,當然倍感吃力。 鄧教授續說:「學校內往往只有一名 聾生,他/她要依靠口語及讀唇與健聽 同學溝通,難免困難重重,加上沒有 機會認識聽障的同輩,聾生很容易變 得孤立和自卑。」 手語有助智力發展 鄧教授解釋,手語是一種語法系統豐 富的視覺語言,外國的研究顯示在 教育過程中使用手語,能促進聾生口 語和語文能力發展,許多海外國家的 家長,可以根據子女的情況決定採用 接受口語、手語或混合雙語的教育模 式。美國、歐洲和澳洲等地更有學校 將手語列入常規的兒童教學課程。 中心是次創辦手語雙語共融教育計 劃,就是強調透過手語來促進兒童早 期的語言發展。中心會對計劃下聾生 與健聽學生的手語發展、口語發展、 語文發展和教育過程等方面,進行追 蹤性研究。該計劃每年招收六至八名 聾生,首批六名聾生於2006年8月入讀 牛頭角平安福音堂幼稚園,並於去年 升讀九龍灣聖若翰天主教小學。 可以溝通了 雖然計劃試行了還不到兩年,但中心 的觀察顯示,聾童除了語文能力有所 提高外,還擴大了社交圈子,並和健 聽學生成為了好朋友,因而變得更加 積極和自信。手語亦令健聽學生把課 堂上學到的知識形象化,使記憶、專 注和表達能力方面均有所增益。 鄧教授說:「過去聽障阻礙了溝通, 有時家長和教師即使說了數十遍,聾 生也未能聽懂。在手語的輔助下,教 師、家長和學生打破障礙,可以溝通 了!」 and Learning with The centre’s logo communicates the idea of equality between the deaf and the hearing. The ear and the mouth of the hearing are graphically merged to become the hand and mouth of the deaf. The connecting hands stand for the bridging of the different sign languages and deaf cultures. The extension of the ‘hand/ear’ of the third face represents further connections to the hearing and the deaf worlds. The logo was designed by a friend of Prof. Tang’s and won second prize in the 2005 Winter Semi-Annual Design Contest of the American Design Awards. 聾健共融教育的新里程 同啟心窗