Newsletter No. 352

No. 352, 4.2.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 兩大校長盃足球賽 中大港大打成平手 CUHK–HKU VC Cup Football Ends in a Draw • 中 大與港大在第七屆兩大校長盃教職員足球友誼賽 中,以一比一賽和。 球賽在1月10日下午於中大夏鼎基運動場舉行,中大校長 劉遵義教授( 左四 )和港大校長徐立之教授分別代表兩校 主持開球禮。本校新任常務副校長華雲生教授( 左三 )和 五位副校長—楊綱凱教授( 右三 )、鄭振耀教授( 左二 )、 程伯中教授( 左一 )、許敬文教授( 右二 )及黃乃正教授( 右 一 )皆到場打氣。 今屆佔主場之利的中大足球隊由楊教授、程教授和許教授 三位副校長帶領,作客的港 大足球隊則包括副校長譚廣 亨教授及校長資深顧問史秉 士教授等勇將。 兩隊上半場以零比零賽和,下 半場約十分鐘港大先攻入一 球,中大於完賽前最後一分 鐘射入一球扳平。 兩大校長盃足球賽於2003年 首度舉行,以誌兩校在該年 同心協力對抗非典型肺炎, 其後成為每年一度的盛事。 連同本屆賽事,中大於歷屆校長盃足球賽中共贏四仗,港 大贏一仗,其中兩屆雙方打成平手。 T he Seventh CUHK–HKU Vice Chancellors Cup Football Competition finished in a 1–1 draw. The competition took place on 10 January at the Sir Philip Haddon-Cave Sports Field at CUHK. CUHK Vice- Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (4th left) and his HKU counterpart Prof. Tsui Lap-chee officiated at the kick-off ceremony. Also in attendance were CUHK's new Provost Prof. Benjamin W. Wah (3rd left) and five Pro-Vice- Chancellors Prof. Kenneth Young (3rd right), Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng (2nd left), Prof. Ching Pak-chung (1st left), Prof. Michael K.M. Hui (2nd right) and Prof. Henry N.C. Wong (1st right). Led by three Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Professor Young, Professor Ching and Professor Hui, the CUHK team played against the HKU team, whose line-up included Prof. Paul Tam, HKU Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Prof. John Spinks, Senior Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor, etc. The first half of the match finished with neither side scoring. About 10 minutes into the second half, the HKU team scored a goal and the CUHK team sent the ball into the net in the last minute of the match, making it a draw. CUHK-HKU Vice Chancellors Cup Football Competition was launched in 2003 to celebrate the cooperation between two universities in fighting severe acute respiratory syndrome. The competition is now an annual event between the two institutions. The CUHK team has won four times while the HKU team won once in all seven matches. Two ended in a draw. 「全球化與家庭的改變」國際會議 International Conference on ‘Globalization and Family Changes’ • 社 會工作學系家庭及小組實務研究中心和香港亞太 研究所社會與政治發展研究中心,在2009年12月 7至8日於利黃瑤璧樓舉辦「全球化與家庭的改變:政策啟 示、服務創新與實證為本實務工作國際會議」。會議由香 港社會福利署署長聶德權太平紳士( 右二 )及本校社會科 學院院長李少南教授( 右一 )主持開幕儀式。 為期兩日的會議日程緊湊,共舉行二十八場演講,包括四場 專家專題演講及二十四個分組報告,講者都是享負盛名的 學者與專業人士,來自香港、加拿大、英國、台灣和中國內 地,現職於知名大學、政府機構或非政府組織,吸引了來自 中、港、台及澳門超過二百七十位服務於政府機構、非政府 組織、私營部門和大學的參加者。 T he Family and Group Practice Research Centre, Department of Social Work, and the Centre for Social and Political Development Studies, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, jointly organized the International Conference on ‘Globalization and Family Changes: Policy Implications, Service Initiatives and Evidence-based Practice’ on 7 and 8 December 2009 at the Esther Lee Building. Mr. Patrick T.K. Nip (2nd right), director of Social Welfare, and Prof. Paul Lee (1st right), dean of the Faculty of Social Science, officiated at the opening ceremony. A total of 28 presentations were made in the two-day event, including four keynote speeches and 24 parallel presentations. Speakers of the conference came from local universities, government agencies and NGOs, as well as from Canada, the UK, Taiwan and mainland China. The event drew an audience of over 270 from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and mainland China. 逸夫書院二十四周年院慶典禮 24th Founder’s Day Celebration of Shaw College • 逸 夫書院在1月15日假書院大講堂舉行了二十四周年院 慶典禮,由中大外科榮休講座教授及前校長李國章 教授( 右 )擔任主禮嘉賓,院長沈祖堯教授( 左 )、多位書院 校董、捐款善長、職員、家長和同學相聚同慶。當日頒發了七 十多項獎學金和證書,獎勵成績優異和在多方面有傑出表現 的同學,包括在東亞運動會獲獎者;此外又頒發最熱心老師 獎,其後於沙田賽馬會舉行慶祝午宴。 逸夫書院是中大第四所成員書院,1986年獲創辦人邵逸夫 爵士慷慨捐贈港幣一億一千萬元而設立。 S haw College celebrated its 24th Founder’s Day at a celebration held on 15 January at the Shaw College Lecture Theatre earlier. Prof. Arthur K.C. Li (right), Emeritus Professor of Surgery and former Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, was the guest of honour. College head Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (left), College trustees, donors, staff, parents and students joined the joyful event. Over 70 awards and certificates were presented at the ceremony to students with academic excellence or other outstanding achievements, including the winners of the East Asian Games. The Most Dedicated Teacher Awards were also presented. A celebration lunch was held at Shatin Jockey Club following the event. Shaw College, the fourth constituent College of the University, was founded in 1986 with the generous donation of HK$110 million from Sir Run Run Shaw, patron of the College.