Newsletter No. 362

No. 362, 4.9.2010 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 供應鏈管理研究中心會議 Supply Chain Management Conference • 社會系參與中國調查會議 Sociology Teachers at Social Survey Conference • 張越華教授(左)及同鈺瑩教授(右)致送紀念品予范偉達教授 Prof. Cheung Yuet-wah (left) and Prof. Tong Yuying (right) presenting souvenir to Prof. Fan Weida 中 大由 2010年8月25日起於 iTunes U開設專頁,與 世界各地頂尖學府一同透過載於iTunes Store的 iTunes U,提供大學的學術資源讓大眾免費下載。 中大的iTunes U專頁( ) 載有 多場傑出講座、學術會議及課堂的影音檔案供使用者下 載。目前已上載專頁的內容包括:為慶祝前校長高錕教 授獲2009年諾貝爾物理學獎而舉辦的光纖通訊講座、 四十五周年校慶博文公開講座系列,以及探討管理學新思 維的商務講座。另外還有由法律學院教授主講的土地法 課堂。 全球已有超過六百所頂尖學府於 iTunes U開設專頁,包括 由 中國社會學會方法研究會主辦、中大社會學系協 辦的「中國調查」學術研討會,在2010年7月18至 20日於上海復旦大學召開。此次研討會旨在關注近年中國 調查及研究方法的進展與經驗,並為海內外關注社會調查 方法的同仁提供交流和創新的平台。 開幕儀式由中國社會學會方法研究會會長范偉達教授主 持,美國著名社會學家兼方法學家、經典教材《社會研究 實踐》作者Prof. Earl Babbie向與會者介紹美國最新的社 會研究方法教學及應用。 中大社會學系系主任張越華教授應邀為主講嘉賓,向大會 介紹該系近四十年的社會研究歷程,並展望未來發展。在 後續的分論壇中,本校社會學系的譚康榮、鍾華、同鈺瑩 及敖丹教授與其他一百五十多位專家學者,針對如何科學 地研究中國社會進行了廣泛而熱烈的探討。 O rganized mainly by the Methodology Section of the Chinese Sociological Association (CSA), the conference on ‘Conducting Social Surveys in China’ was held at Fudan University, Shanghai from 18 to 20 July 2010. As one of the co-sponsors, the Department of Sociology of CUHK sent a delegation of five professors to participate in scholarly exchange with 150 other local and foreign participants on the theme of linking social survey experience in China with state-of-the-art methods in the field of social research. Chaired by Prof. Fan Weida, head of the Methodology Section of CSA, the opening ceremony featured a keynote speech delivered by Prof. Earl Babbie, the renowned sociologist and methodologist who authored The Practice of Social Research , on new developments in the teaching and application of social research methods in the US. Prof. Cheung Yuet-wah, chairman of the Department of Sociology, CUHK, gave a presentation on the historical development and outlook of social research in the department. In sub-theme seminars, Professors Tony Tam, Sara Zhong, Tong Yuying and Ao Dan of the department discussed the possible application of some of the latest quantitative techniques to social research in China. 哈佛、耶魯、麻省理工、牛津等。中大是首批獲美國蘋果公 司邀請開設 iTunes U專頁的亞洲大學。 C UHK joined iTunes U on 25 August 2010, a dedicated area within the iTunes Store that offers free audio and video content from leading educational institutions worldwide. The public can enjoy CUHK educational content through various personal computing devices. Students, faculty, alumni and visitors can now visit CUHK on iTunes U ( ) to access video and audio recordings of distinguished talks, conferences, and lectures of academic programmes of the University, 本 校利豐供應鏈管理及物流研究所旗下的供應鏈管 理研究中心,與華南理工大學和美國印第安納大學 合作,舉辦第四屆國際營運與供應鏈管理國際會議暨第十 五屆亞太決策科學年會聯合會議。兩會於2010年7月25至 30日在香港和廣州舉行,二百五十多位來自世界各地的學 者和從業人員參加,發表論文凡一百九十篇,並往順德參 觀了兩家先進工廠。 中大副校長許敬文教授和決策科學學會主席梁源強教授 親臨大會並發表開幕詞,業界發言者包括利豐集團主席 馮國經博士、ASTRI總裁特別助理Dr. Manuel Costa、中 國廣東移動主席徐龍博士、廣州毅昌科技股份有限公司 主席冼燃先生。 T he Supply Chain Management Research Centre, Li & Fung Institute of Supply Chain Management & Logistics, CUHK organized the Joint Conference of the 4th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management and the 15th Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute from 25 to 30 July 2010 in collaboration with South China University of Technology and Indiana University. More than 250 participants from all over the world took part in the conference held in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, presenting some 190 papers to share their 中大副校長許敬文教授(前排左六)、決策科學學會主席梁源強教授(前排左五)、會議組委會副主席趙先德教授(前排右五)與其他與 會者在開幕禮上合照 Prof. Michael K.M. Hui, Pro-Vice Chancellor of CUHK (front row, 6th left); Prof. Keong Leong, president of Decision Sciences Institute (front row, 5th left); Prof. Zhao Xiande, vice chair of the organizing committee of the conference (front row, 5th right) attending the opening ceremony with other participants 中大開設 iTunes U專頁 CUHK on iTunes U Launched • including public lectures on optical fibre communication in commemoration of former CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Charles K. Kao’s being awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics, the CUHK 45th Anniversary Public Lecture Series, and business talks on new thinking in management, and a series of lectures on ‘Principles of Land Law’. There are many top universities in the US, Europe, Canada and Australia with active iTunes U sites, including Harvard, Yale, MIT, Oxford. CUHK is one of the first Asian universities to make content available on iTunes. research findings. The conference also featured a tour to two leading manufacturers in Shunde. The opening remarks of the conference were given by Prof. Michael K.M. Hui, Pro-Vice Chancellor of CUHK and Prof. Keong Leong, president of the Decision Sciences Institute. Keynote industry speeches were delivered by Dr. Victor Fung, chairman of Li & Fung Ltd.; Dr. Manuel Costa, special assistant to CEO of ASTRI; Dr. Xu Long, president of China Mobile Guangdong, and Mr. Xian Ran, president of Guangzhou Echom Science & Technology Ltd.