Newsletter No. 379

4 No. 379, 4.6.2011 陳兆愷法官 The Honourable Mr. Justice Chan Siu-oi Patrick 陳兆愷法官服務香港司法機構逾 二十年,對本港法律制度的發展 貢獻至巨,最受稱道者是1997年 後大力推廣雙語法制。他對教育 亦建樹良多,自1987年起出任中 大社會工作學系客座教授,2002年起出任社會工作學系諮 詢委員會主席。 The Honourable Mr. Justice Chan Siu-oi Patrick has been serving Hong Kong’s judiciary for over 20 years and is renowned for his far-reaching contributions towards the development of a bilingual legal system since 1997. Mr. Justice Chan has also made important contributions towards the education sector. He has been serving as an adjunct professor of the Department of Social Work in CUHK since 1987, and has also been the chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Department of Social Work since 2002. 鄭承隆博士 Dr. Cheng Shing-lung Edwin 翡翠工房集團創辦人鄭承隆博 士,現任新亞書院校董。鄭博士 熱心參與社會服務,任仁濟醫院 董事局副主席及多項公職。2005 年,鄭博士和家人慷慨捐資,設 立鄭承隆通識教育及哲學研究基 金,支持大學在哲學和通識教育方面的研究和發展。 Dr. Cheng Shing-lung Edwin, founder of The Jadeite Workshop Limited, is a member of the Board of Trustees of New Asia College. Presently a vice-chairman of the Board of Directors at Yan Chai Hospital, he has actively participated in community service. In 2005, Dr. Cheng and his family established the Edwin S.L. Cheng Research Fund for General Education and Philosophy to support the research and development of philosophy and general education programmes at CUHK. 周松崗爵士 Sir C.K. Chow 現任香港鐵路有限公司行政總裁 周松崗爵士為中大校友,多年來 積極參與校政,自2004年出任中 大校董,並先後出任逸夫書院校 董、捐贈委員會成員,以及大學校 董會重組專責委員會主席等。他 曾任深圳及珠三角地區發展專責小組主席,現任深圳學院 專責小組主席。 Sir C.K. Chow, chief executive officer of the MTR Corporation Limited, is an alumnus of CUHK. He has been a member of the University Council since 2004, and assumed duties as a member of the Board of Trustees of Shaw College, a member of the Committee on Donations and the chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Reorganization of the Council. Sir C.K. was the chairman of the Task Force on the Development in Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta Region and is currently the chairman of the Task Force on the Second Campus (in Shenzhen). 梁雄姬女士 Ms. Leung Hung-kee 中大校友梁雄姬女士慷慨贊助本 地醫療及教育事業,並積極參與 義務工作,幫助弱勢社群。梁女 士自2004年起出任新亞書院校 董,2006年起出任新亞校董會副 主席,並捐資設立基金支持書院 發展,贊助多項獎助學金,更積極支持中醫學院及中醫中 藥研究所發展中藥研究,又捐助逸夫書院李和聲香港歷史 資源中心。 An alumna of CUHK, Ms. Leung Hung-kee has been supporting the local health care and education sectors through sponsorships and offering volunteering support to help the underprivileged. Ms. Leung has served as a trustee and the vice-chairman of the Board of Trustees of New Asia College at CUHK since 2004 and 2006 respectively. She has provided generous financial support to New Asia College through establishing the Leung Hung Kee Fund and funding a number of scholarships and bursaries. Ms. Leung also rendered gracious support to the School of Chinese medicine and the Institute of Chinese Medicine for the research and development of Chinese medicine, and to Lee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre of Shaw College for studies undertaken by the Department of History. 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 中 文大學第十屆榮譽院士頒授典禮於5月16日舉行, 由大學校董會主席鄭海泉博士主禮,頒授榮譽院 士銜予八位與中大淵源深厚的賢達,以表彰他們對大學及 社會的卓越貢獻。 C UHK held its Tenth Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony on 16 May on campus. Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, Chairman of the University Council, presided at the ceremony. Eight distinguished persons closely associated with CUHK were conferred honorary fellowships in recognition of their contributions to the University and the community. They are: 中大頒授八榮譽院士 • CUHK Confers Eight Honorary Fellowships