Newsletter No. 420

8 No. 420, 19.6.2013 1969 2013 A group discussion led by Mr. Lau Sai-yung ( in white trousers ), alumnus, at the O-camp of Chung Chi College in 1969. The idea back then was grab a few chairs and any corner on campus could be a place for learning. Students today are more pampered. Learning facilities, such as the new Learning Garden at the University Library, come with comprehensive online services, not to mention the right furniture. 切 磋砥礪是促進知識增長和思想進步的法門。且看校友劉世鏞 先生( 白褲 )在崇基學院1969年的迎新營中帶領新生討論,隨便 在校園一角,拉把椅子即為學習天地。今日大學提供更多元化的學習支 援,像進學園,環境愉悅舒適,上網設施齊備,也更利於友儕共習。 劉世鏞先生提供 Courtesy of Mr. Lau Sai-yung