Newsletter No. 437

6 禤永明系統工程與工程管理學講座教授就職演講 Inaugural Lecture of Patrick Huen Wing Ming Professorship of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management 系統工程與工程管理學系李端教授在4月15日發表禤永 明系統工程與工程管理學講座教授就職演講,題為「動 態決策中時間不一致性帶來的挑戰及其應對策略」。 決策問題無處不在。李端教授在演講中表示,在眾多 解決序貫決策問題方法中,以理查.貝爾曼教授提出的 「動態規劃方法」最具廣泛適用性。但這方法乃假設決 策者的偏好(即風險態度)不隨時間和狀態發生變化, 而現實中人的偏好常會隨當前所處的時間與狀況改變 而不同。 李教授構造了一個帶有自我控制的多階段均值─方差投 資博弈模型,其中負責整體決策的高層決策者,可以透 過懲罰使各階段的決策執行者作決定時遵行承諾,從而 建立長期和短期目標之間的理性關聯。對於一般的(時 間不一致)隨機決策問題,他進一步擴展了帶有自我控 制的博弈模型,以得到更具一般性的結論,並同時論證 了該模型與現有經濟文獻中關於自我控制的理論是吻 合的。 禤永明系統工程與工程管理學講座教授席,由禤永明先 生於2012年7月捐資成立,以支持工程學院在系統工程 及管理科學的學術研究。 Prof. Li Duan, professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, delivered his inaugural lecture on 15 April as Patrick Huen Wing Ming Professor of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management on the topic ‘Taking the Challenge in Coping with Time Inconsistency in Dynamic Decision Making’. We make decisions every day. At the lecture, Professor Li remarked that if we were to order the many optimization methodologies dealing with sequential decision making problems on the basis of their overall fertility, dynamic programming pioneered by Richard Bellman would be at the top of the list. However, this method is based on the assumption that the preference (risk attitude) of a decision maker be unchanged over time, which is often violated by the inconsistency of human behaviour. To identify a better strategy to balance long- and short- term interests when facing time inconsistency in dynamic decision-making, Professor Li constructs a planner-doer mean-variance game formulation with self-control, where the planner (the investor in charge of the investment problem as a whole) can influence the preferences of doers (the investors who decide the strategy carried out at different time instances) through commitment by punishment. He further extends the planner-doer game framework to generalize time-inconsistent stochastic decision problems, and shows that the framework is consistent with the current literature of self-control theory. The Patrick Huen Wing Ming Professorship of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management was established by Mr. Patrick Huen in July 2012 in support of academic research on systems engineering and management science at the Faculty of Engineering. 全球研究課程台北考察 Global Studies Programme Taipei Field Trip 運動員周年聚餐 CUHK Sports Team Annual Dinner 中大運動員周年聚餐於4月11日假 楊明標室內體育館舉行,沈祖堯 校長、協理副校長暨大學輔導長 吳基培教授等嘉賓與四百多運動 員共晉晚餐,場面熱鬧。 本年度中大運動員在大專賽事勇 奪十項冠軍,成績斐然。沈祖堯校 長特地訂製以得獎項目圖案裝飾 的蛋糕,以表揚勝出隊伍,並寄語 各運動員於來年繼續發揮所長,爭 取佳績。 社會科學院全球研究課程的四十多名師生,於3月7至10日往台北考察,訪問了東吳大學政治學系,並舉行學生研討會, 探討全球化對香港及台灣社會的影響。研討會由東吳大學政治學系系主任黃秀端教授致開幕辭,全球研究課程副主任 堀內徹博士主持匯報及討論。學員按選定議題進行小組匯報,包括香港和台灣的政治和民主制度及演進、人權發展、 外交、全球在地化的深入程度等。 Some 40 teachers and students of the Global Studies Programme, Faculty of Social Science, went on a field trip to Taipei from 7 to 10 March. They visited the Department of Political Science, Soochow University, and held a student conference to explore the impact of globalization on Hong Kong and Taiwan. The conference was officiated by Prof. Hawang Shiow- Duan, chair of the department, and moderated by Dr. Toru Horiuchi, associate programme director of the CUHK Global Studies Programme. During the conference, CUHK students presented on topics such as democratic development in Hong Kong and Taiwan, human rights development, external relations and the extent of glocalization. The CUHK Sports Team Annual Dinner was held on 11 April at the Yeung Ming Biu Indoor Sports Centre. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Ng Kee- pui Dennis, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor and University Dean of Students; and other guests joined CUHK athletes for the joyful gathering with over 400 attendees. This year, the CUHK sports teams won a record number of 10 championships in inter-university sports competitions. Professor Sung ordered a cake decorated with the sport pictograms of the events that our teams had won in recognition of their excellent performances. He encouraged the athletes to continue to live up to their potential and strive for better results in the coming year. No. 437, 4.5.2014