Newsletter No. 459

4 459 • 4.6.2015 劉曉晴 Lau Hiu-ching 陳泳雯 Chan Wing-man 孔慶瑜 Hung Hing-yu 保健大使西安行 CUHK Health Ambassadors to Xi’an Since 2007, exchange visits to other cities and countries have been arranged for the health ambassadors to gain a deeper understanding of other cultures and health promotion practices. This year, the destination is Xi’an and the delegation was led by Dr. Scotty Luk , Director of University Health Service. He said, ‘The delegation of 15 set off for the Xi’an Jiaotong University on 19 May. We learned a great deal during the four- day visit. We shared with our counterparts from Xi’an Jiaotong University thoughts on and experience in campus health promotion in Hong Kong and on the mainland. Laughter and fun were never absent during the exchange. Our students had made the most of communicating in Putonghua.’ Lau Hiu-ching Jo Jo , Year 2 student of public health, said, ‘The Programme provided me with a chance to promote a healthy environment at CUHK by putting theories from my major studies into practice. More importantly, I was given the opportunity to meet with students from Xi’an Jiaotong and engage in in-depth discussions of public health policies in the two places. Things I have learned from the trip will be beneficial to my future development.’ Chan Wing-man , Year 2 student of nursing, agreed, ‘For four days we’d been travelling back in time in our museum visits, roaming the streets to taste local cuisines, and exploring the ancient city. The highlight was of course our meeting with the Xi’an Jiaotong students and exploring with them how the same health issues were handled in the two places.’ Hung Hing-yu added, ‘The lesson I took away from the Xi’an visit is that due to cultural differences there is no single formula for running a campaign in the two places, both in terms of form and content. Different peoples have different cultural backgrounds and needs, and so amendments and adaptions to the original plan have to be made.’ Dr. Luk concluded, ‘Xi’an is an ancient city where every stone, every tree has its own story to tell. Besides formal exchanges, we were taken by the Xi’an Jiaotong students on expeditions to local landmarks, sumptuous tours of historical sites, architectural heritage, the people, the culture and the customs. It is no doubt a valuable lesson for our students. Their knowledge and communicative skills will never be the same.’ One of the ambassadors, Hung Hing-yu , Year 3 student of Chinese medicine, said, ‘I have learned how to mount a successful health campaign. In addition to providing accurate health information, the success of a campaign also depends on the balance of costs, the number of participants, its appeal and the long- and short-term effects to be achieved.’ O rganized by the Committee on Health Promotion and Protection and administered by the University Health Services, the Campus Health Ambassador Programme has entered its 12th year. This year, 32 health ambassadors from 20 departments have organized health-related events in the Colleges with which they are affiliated, and taken part in University- wide and community activities, such as the walking campaign and mass CPR training. They have gained valuable experience of coordinating large-scale activities and have disseminated health- related information to CUHK members and the community. 校 園保健大使計劃是由健康促進及防護委員會主辦,大 學保健處推行,自2003年首次舉行,至今已是第十二 屆。今年三十二位來自二十個學系的保健大使,除了舉辦所屬 書院的活動外,也參與多個全校及社區活動,如樂步行、大型 心肺復甦法訓練等,獲得籌劃大型活動的寶貴經驗,並將健康 信息推廣給中大同仁及社區市民。 保健大使之一中醫學課程三年級生 孔慶瑜 說:「我覺得最大的 收穫是學會了如何舉辦一個成功的健康推廣活動。除了提供正 確的健康資訊,我們還需要在成本、受惠人數、吸引力、 長期或短期效果方面取得平衡。」 自2007年始,保健大使已衝出校園,到外地進 行交流,藉以了解不同地方的文化及健康推廣 的模式。今年的目的地是西安,由大學保健處 處長 陸偉昌 醫生率領,他說:「是次中大保健 大使交流團一行十五人,於5月19日出發前往 西安交通大學作學術交流;為期四天的行程 非常充實,獲益良多。我們與西安交通大學學 生分享中港學生對於在大學校園推廣健康教 育的見解,整個過程洋溢着歡笑和喜樂,同學們 亦獲得一次盡用普通話表達的機會。」 公共衞生學院二年級生 劉曉晴 說:「校園保健大使計劃讓我有 機會在校園內推廣健康,把我從主修科所學習到的概念付諸實 踐。更難得的是我可以與西安交通大學的學生交流,深入討論 到兩地的公共衞生政策,從中學習到對方的優勝之處,使我獲 益良多。」 護理系二年級生 陳泳雯 同意:「這四天裏我們穿梭於博物館的 不同時空,又遊逛於大街品嚐地道美食,探索這個古城。更重 要的是兩地學生交流了健康推廣資訊,一起探討同一健康議題 在兩地的不同應用。」 孔慶瑜說:「與他校的同學交流,就會發現由於兩地的文化差 異,就算舉辦同樣的活動,活動的模式、內容均不能夠搬字過 紙。因着不同的受眾,他們的文化不同、需要亦不同,故在原有 計劃上需加以變通。」 陸偉昌醫生總結:「西安絕對是一處充滿歷史氣息的古都,在 交流和學習之外,由交大同學帶領同學們遊覽了獨具特色的 景點和陝西博物館,見證中國歷史古跡、建築文物、人情事理、 文化風俗等。無容置疑,是次交流讓一班保健大使上了寶貴一 課,藉着遊歷大大增廣了見識,也提升了表達能力。」