Newsletter No. 460

460 • 19.6.2015 7 舌尖上的中大 CUHK f+b 鄉愁的解藥 A Cure for Nostalgia 中大師生來自五湖四海,當中不少 嗜辣之士。龐萬倫學生中心膳堂 特聘四川籍廚師,精心製作十多款 「雲貴川」風味菜式,例如水煮牛 肉、擔擔麵等,深得中大人喜愛。 但數最受歡迎的,相信是「老乾媽 辣子雞」了。 餐廳廚師盛師傅介紹做法說,首先 燒熱油鑊,將雞件過油備用;爆香 薑蒜,當然少不了紅椒、青椒、花 椒、八角等香料;接着倒入雞件, 加上來自貴州、遠近馳名的「老乾 媽」油製脆辣椒醬和風味豆豉快 炒即成。菜式紅黃綠相映,香氣四 溢更是引人胃口大開。套餐配有白 飯,建議以辣子雞汁拌飯,香辣可 口,毫不浪費。 辣子雞每日賣出超過兩百份,除了 是美味之故,還有那份濃郁的家鄉 味道。據說有些來自內地的同學, 在點餐時更要求「加辣」。為解同 學們腸胃的思鄉之苦,餐廳都會樂 意配合。 The Chinese University has staff and students from all over the world, and many are fond of spicy foods. The Pommerenke Student Centre Canteen hired a chef from Sichuan to make over a dozen Yunnan-, Guizhou-, and Sichuan-style dishes, such as ‘water- boiled beef’ and Dan Dan noodles, which are highly appreciated. Among them, Lao Gan Ma spicy chicken is probably the most popular. To prepare the dish, the canteen chef Mr. Shing would first heat oil in a wok and fry the chicken until golden brown on the outside, then set it aside. Sauté ginger and garlic, with red pepper, green pepper, Sichuan pepper, star anise, and other spices. Add the fried chicken with the famous ‘Lao Gan Ma’ chili sauce and fermented black beans then give it a quick stir. The dish is rich in colour with a tantalizing aroma of spices. It is recommended to have rice with the sauce so you can thoroughly enjoy the taste without wasting anything. Over 200 sets of Lao Gan Ma spicy chicken are sold every day. Besides its deliciousness, the hometown taste of Sichuan attracts fans from the region. It is said that some students from mainland China request ‘extra spice’ while ordering the dish. The canteen is more than happy to help alleviate their homesickness. Photo by ISO staff 宣布事項 Announcements 訃告 Obituaries 本校兩位職員近日離世,大學深表哀悼。 • 梁榮昌先生於2015年5月20日逝世。梁先生於1994年6月22日加入中大,任職保安處保安 隊長。 • 工商管理學院卓敏管理學教授梁覺於2015年5月25日辭世。梁教授於1985年加入心理學 系擔任講師,其後晉升高級講師及教授,1995至1999年為系主任。2000至2010年擔任 香港亞太研究所名譽高級研究員,2014年起任管理學系教授。 The University is saddened by the loss of two colleagues. • Mr. Leung Wing-cheong, who passed away on 20 May 2015, joined the University on 22 June 1994 and had served as security supervisor in the Security Office. • Prof. Leung Kwok, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Management at the Faculty of Business Administration, passed away on 25 May 2015. Professor Leung joined the University in 1985 as lecturer at the Department of Psychology and was promoted to senior lecturer and reader. He served as chairman of the department from 1995 to 1999. He served the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies as senior research fellow from 2000 to 2010, and joined the Department of Management as professor in 2014. 「天灸療法」保健運動 Natural Moxibustion Health Campaign 中醫學院將於7、8月份推行冬病夏治「天灸療法」保健運動,為大家提供敷貼治療。詳情如下︰ To promote health of the public, the School of Chinese Medicine (SCM) is going to launch the Natural Moxibustion Health Campaign this summer. Details are as follows: 日期 Date 初伏 7月13日 1st Treatment: 13 July 中伏 7月23日 2nd Treatment: 23 July 末伏 8月12日 3rd Treatment: 12 August 時間 Time 9:30 am – 4:30 pm 地點 Venue 崇基學院信和樓一樓中醫學院中醫教學診所 School of Chinese Medicine Teaching Clinic, 1/F, Sino Building, Chung Chi College 費用 Fee (港幣 HK$ ) 400 中大職員、學生、校友、退休職員、職員或校友之直系親屬 CUHK staff, students, alumni, retired staff, staff or alumni’s direct family members 600 校外人士 Non-CUHK affiliated 200 中醫學院全日制學生 SCM full time students 包括三次療程;須於初伏當天全數以現金、易辦事或信用卡繳付 For three treatments: full payment by cash, EPS or credit card is required at the first treatment 名額 Quota 先到先得,額滿即止 First-come, first-served basis 報名日期 Registration date 6月1日至7月6日 1 June to 6 July 查詢 Enquiries 3943 9454 / 3943 4024 / 網址 Website 大學游泳池延長開放時間 Extension of Opening Hours of University Swimming Pool 大學游泳池由6月8日起延長開放時間如下: With effect from 8 June, the daily opening hours of the University swimming pool has been extended as follows: 星期一至四、六、日及公眾假期 Monday–Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holidays 星期五 Friday 第一節 1st session 8:00 am – 1:40 pm 8:00 am – 12:00 nn 第二節 2nd session 2:30 pm – 9:00 pm