Newsletter No. 523

05 # 5 2 3 | 1 9 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 8 善待過客 CUHK Students Teach Asylum Seekers Cantonese 香港現時約有七千三百名尋求 政治庇護人士,他們不可在香 港工作,只每月獲發約三千元的 津貼度日。六名中大學生向博群 全人發展中心取得資助,組織了 Love.Care.Boundaryless社會 服務計劃,為在港尋求政治庇護 者舉辦粵語班。他們與香港難民 聯會合作,在其西營盤的辦事處 教授粵語日常用語。此外,學生還 組織港島一日遊,讓尋求政治庇 護者活學活用粵語、與家人共享 天倫,一嘗「飲茶」滋味、同遊摩 天輪和山頂。逾三十人受惠於此計劃。 Six CUHK students have organized a social service project ‘Love·Care·Boundaryless’, subsidized by the I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development, in this summer. They cooperated with the Hong Kong Refugee Union and organized weekly Cantonese classes for adult asylum seekers in the office of Refugee Union in Sai Ying Pun. They taught basic Cantonese vocabularies and sentences for daily communication. In addition, the CUHK students organized a one-day tour around Hong Kong Island for the asylum seekers’ families to have a joyful moment and practise the Cantonese learnt. During the trip, they experienced the local food culture ‘yum cha’, shared good time in the Observation Wheel and The Peak with the students. The project has reached more than 30 beneficiaries. Currently there are around 7,300 asylum seekers in Hong Kong who are prohibited to work in the city and live on a monthly allowance of about $3,000. 「南緯60 ° 以南」生態亟需保育 Know More About Ecology ‘Beyond 60°S’ 中大賽馬會氣候變化博物館與本地非牟利團 體地球知源、科學普及教育專家吳頌安博士, 以及漁農自然護理署合作舉辦的「南緯60°以 南」專題展覽,於8月30日開幕。是次展覽為  「賽馬會中大氣候行動」其中一項活動,透過 裝置藝術配合影像和文字,向大眾說明《南極 條約》和《環境保護議定書》的重要性,並展現 南極多樣化的生態系統及豐富天然資源,藉此 提高大眾保育南極生態的意識。  Jointly organized by the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change of CUHK, local non- governmental organization ProjecTerrae, science communicator Dr. Stephen Ng, and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of the Government, an exhibition entitled ‘Beyond 60°S’ was launched on 30 August. As a component of the ‘JC–CUHK Climate Action’ programme, the exhibition presents the importance of the Antarctic Treaty System and the Environmental Protocol , and highlights the rich biodiversity and natural resources of the Antarctic through art installations, graphics and text. The exhibition aims to raise public awareness of the importance of conserving the natural resources in the Antarctic. 納米機械人模擬動物群體變陣 Nano-robot Swarms Imitate Collective Movements of Animals 鳥群、魚群和螞蟻等都會根據所在環境改變群 體形態。機械與自動化工程學系副教授張立教 授領導的研究團隊從中得到啟發,把動物集體 行動的特性引入納米機械人,成功控制納米機 械人群體轉變形態,例如伸長縮短、分裂融合。 這種可以適應環境重組的微型群體有望在生物 醫學加以應用,例如標靶治療和微創手術。 Swarm behaviours of bird flocks, fish schools and ant colonies are common in nature. Inspired by natural swarm behaviours, a research team led by Prof. Li Zhang, Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanical and Automation, introduced the ability of collective movements into nano-robots. The nano-robot swarms can perform diverse and reversible morphological changes, including extension and shrinkage, and splitting and merging. With such environmental adaptability, the nano-robots have high potential for in-vivo biomedical applications, such as targeted drug delivery and minimally invasive surgery. 駛向未來 Driving into the Future 中大太空與地球信息科學研究所博士生陳宇婷(右四)及其團隊,日前在北 京大學舉行的「2018年全球高校學生DeeCamp AI訓練營」(DeeCamp) 中獲頒最佳應用獎。在為期五星期的訓練營中,共三百名學員得到圖靈獎 得獎人John Hopcroft、創新工場首席執行官李開復等人指導,然後每隊提 交一個人工智能項目。陳宇婷及其團隊構建並訓練一輛虛擬無人駕駛汽 車,可用於研究無人駕駛在未來物流、交通的應用。 Chen Yuting (4th right), a PhD student from the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) at CUHK, and her team won the Best Application Award at the 2018 Global College Artificial Intelligence Training Camp (the ‘DeeCamp’) held at Peking University. After five weeks of careful guidance from AI experts like Turing Award winner John Hopcroft and Innovation Workshop CEO Kai-fu Lee, each group of students attending the five-week training camp submitted an AI project to demonstrate what they had learned. Chen Yuting’s team built and trained a virtual driverless car to explore the huge potential of unmanned driving in future logistics and transportation. 宣 布 事 項 / A nnouncements 文物館展覽 Art Museum Exhibition 雪漠玲瓏:喜馬拉雅與蒙古珍品 Jewels of Transcendence: Himalayan and Mongolian Treasures 日期 Date 30.9.2018 – 24.2.2019 地點 Venue 文物館展廳 II Gallery II, Art Museum 開放時間 Opening Hours •星期一至六 Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 am – 5:00 pm •星期日及公眾假期 Sundays and Public Holidays 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm •逢星期四休館 Closed every Thursday 訃告 Obituary 晨興書院院長及博文講座教授莫理斯教授於2018年8月29日在英國劍橋辭 世,享年82歲。莫理斯教授是舉世聞名的經濟學家,於1996年獲頒諾貝爾 經濟學獎。他在2002年接受中大的邀請,擔任博文講座教授,並自晨興書 院於2006年成立以來,一直出任書院院長。中大對莫理斯教授的辭世深感  哀痛。 Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, Founding Master of Morningside College and Distinguished Professor-at-Large of CUHK, passed away on 29 August 2018 in Cambridge, UK at the age of 82. Professor Mirrlees was a world-renowned economist and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1996. He was Distinguished Professor-at-Large at CUHK from 2002 and had been the Founding Master of Morningside College since 2006. The University is profoundly saddened by the death of Professor Mirrlees.