Newsletter No. 526

05 # 5 2 6 | 0 4 . 1 1 . 2 0 1 8 陽光燦爛的一週 The Sun is On Us 伍宜孫書院的「如日坊」健康生活計劃於9月首辦「陽光 生活週」,多場別開生面的體育和文化活動為學生注入身 心靈動力,推廣綠色生活。 書院舉辦了結合奶昔製作的單車划艇接力賽(圖),以及 馬鞍山遠足生態遊。此外,又安排了電影欣賞、乾花蠟燭 製作、冥想和各式攤位活動,更有讓學生一展廚藝和巧思 的有機素菜新「煮」意比賽。活動以午餐聚會作結,同時 開啟學生「活得稱心」的新學年。 To carry the momentum of its ‘House of Sunny Living’ initiative forward, Wu Yee Sun College held its first- ever Sunny Living Week in September. Packed with an enlivening set of sports and cultural activities, the Week promoted the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of students and encouraged them to go green. Sports-wise, a Sunny Relay Race with elements of cycling, rowing and smoothie-making (photo) was held, together with a hike to Ma On Shan. For quiet souls, the Week had a Movie Appreciation, Soul Candle Session with meditation and a Sunny Living Activities Booth in store. In the Healthy Organic Veggie Cooking Competition, students also got a chance to make their own veggie dish. The Week was rounded up with a Sunny Living Get-Together Lunch, cheering students on to ‘Sunny Living in Contentment’ in the new academic year. 中大EMBA位列全球二十九 CUHK EMBA Ranks 29 th Worldwide 工商管理學院行政人員工商管理碩士課程(EMBA)登 上英國《金融時報》2018年全球EMBA百強排名榜第 二十九位。在大中華區獨辦EMBA課程中,中大EMBA校 友於修畢課程三年後之薪酬高踞第二,平均薪酬升幅亦 高達五成九。此外,中大EMBA達三成八的女性學員比 例,以及在新增的企業社會責任課程比重評分,同樣位 列區內獨辦課程之冠。 The Faculty of Business Administration’s Executive MBA (EMBA) landed 29th in Financial Times ’ Executive MBA Ranking 2018 which features the world’s top 100 programmes. Among the independent EMBA programmes in Greater China, CUHK’s EMBA came second in terms of its alumni’s average salary three years after graduation. A high average salary increase rate of 59% was also achieved. Further, the programme occupied the top spot amongst all independent EMBA programmes in Asia- Pacific in terms of the proportion of female students (38%), and in the newly-created category of the proportion of corporate social responsibility core courses. 引領智能新世界 Ushering In a Smart New World 中大(深圳)10月17日舉行未來智聯網絡研究院成立儀 式。校長徐揚生教授致辭說,人工智能正在塑造萬物互 聯的智能新世界,「毫無疑問,智能和網聯融合所產生的 新技術革命將對世界經濟、社會進步和人類生活產生極 深刻影響。」 An inauguration ceremony of a new research institute, the Future Network of Intelligence Institute, was held at CUHK (SZ) on 17 October. Prof. Xu Yangsheng, 促進國學傳播 Taking Sinology Abroad 中國文化研究所喜獲嶽麓書院等機構主辦的「致敬國 學:第三屆全球華人國學大典」提名「海外影響力獎」, 表揚其弘揚中國文化、促進對外交流的成就。研究所乃 唯一入圍的香港機構,將與頂尖學術機構哈佛燕京學社 和中國文化書院角逐獎項。 For its efforts in promoting Chinese cultural studies abroad, the Institute of Chinese Studies becomes the sole local institution to be nominated for the ‘Overseas Impactful Award for Sinology’ in the ‘Tribute to Sinology: The 3rd Sinology Ceremony for Global Chinese’ hosted by Yuelu Academy and three other institutions, where the Institute will compete on par with the world- renowned Harvard-Yenching Institute in the US and the Academy of Chinese Culture on the mainland. 培訓手語專才 Incubating Sign Language Specialists 語言學及現代語言系將於下學年開辦全亞洲首個手語/ 口語雙渠道雙語研究兩年制銜接學士課程,推動手語語 言學及聾人教育的研究與培訓,促進傷健共融。此跨學 科課程囊括文學院、教育學院及社會科學院的科目,並 提供香港手語培訓,首年學額為二十個。 The Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages is offering a two-year top-up degree programme—Bachelor of Arts in Bimodal Bilingual Studies—from September 2019. First of its kind in Asia, the new programme furthers CUHK’s efforts in promoting sign linguistics and deaf education, as well as building a cohesive society. Comprising courses from the Faculties of Arts, Education and Social Sciences and training in Hong Kong Sign Language, this inte r dis ciplina r y programme has its quota pegged at 20 for the first year. 五萬六千人的盛會 A Packed House of 56,000 Visitors 本科入學資訊日於10月20日舉行,吸引近五萬六千人參 加。全校八個學院及各學系舉辦約二百場入學講座和課 程諮詢。將於2019至20學年開辦的五個新課程,即雙渠 道雙語研究、中國研究、幼兒教育、人工智能︰系統與科 技,以及數據科學與政策研究,吸引大量查詢。九所書院 敞開大門,帶領訪客感受中大獨特書院生活。 CUHK held its Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions on 20 October, drawing 56,000 visitors to the campus. About 200 admission talks and Q&A sessions were held by the eight Faculties and various departments. The five new programmes to be launched in 2019–20, namely, Bimodal Bilingual Studies, Chinese Studies, Early Childhood Education, Artificial Intelligence: Systems and Technologies, and Data Science and Policy Studies, attracted much enquiry. The nine Colleges hosted open houses to give visitors a taste of the unique college life at CUHK. 杏林領袖 Hands that Heal and Lead 醫學院院長兼卓敏內科及藥物治療學講座教授陳家亮獲 美國腸胃科醫學院(ACG)頒發「國際領袖大獎」。陳教 授為國際知名腸胃病學權威,主力研究腸胃道出血、幽門 螺旋菌及癌症預防等,發表文獻超過五百份,研究成果 獲歐美及亞太區醫學團體納為臨床指引。「國際領袖大 獎」由全球ACG成員提名,並由董事會選出一名被認為 達至最高水平的得獎者,陳教授為首位獲此殊榮的華人。 Prof. Francis Chan, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Choh-Ming Li Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics, was bestowed the International Leadership Award 2018 by the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG). An internationally renowned clinician-scientist in gastrointestinal bleeding, helicobacter pylori and cancer prevention, Professor Chan has published over 500 scientific articles, and his research findings have been incorporated into clinical practice guidelines in the US, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. The Award is open to nominations from ACG members around the world for the Board of Trustees to select one awardee who is considered the most qualified. Professor Chan is the first Chinese scholar to receive the Award. President of CUHK (SZ), said at the ceremony that the AI industry is shaping a smart new world where everything connects with intelligence. ‘The combination of intelligence and networks will undoubtedly boost the new technological revolution, which will have a huge impact on the world economy, social development and human life.’