Newsletter No. 529/530

葉錫安 博士貢獻法律界和教育界 多年,曾任香港律師會會長及立 法會法律界功能組別議員,並於 1994年至2003年間出任香港教 育學院的創校校董會主席。葉博 士亦積極貢獻香港慈善事業,於 2014年至2018年出任香港賽馬 會(馬會)主席期間,帶領馬會 改革旗下慈善信託基金的慈善 贊助機制,採取更主動的贊助策略,造福社會。中大多年來 厚蒙馬會慷慨捐獻,包括於2014年獲得馬會一筆十三億港 元的資助,成立全新教學醫院「香港中文大學醫院」。葉博 士憑藉出眾的公益服務贏得無數榮譽,包括獲委任太平紳 士、獲頒金紫荊星章,並獲多所本地大學頒授榮譽博士學 位。中大授以榮譽社會科學博士銜,以表彰他對香港公益 事業的卓越領導和非凡貢獻。 Dr. Ip Sik-on Simon was the former President of the Law Society of Hong Kong and a member of the Legislative Council representing the Legal Functional Constituency. He served as the Founding Chairman of the Council of the Hong Kong Institute of Education from 1994 to 2003. Apart from his remarkable contribution to the law and education fields, Dr. Ip demonstrated his charitable endeavours through his work with the Hong Kong Jockey Club, where he served as the Chairman from 2014 to 2018. Under his leadership, the Club’s Charities Trust adopted a more proactive approach to its role in the betterment of society. CUHK has also been a major beneficiary of the Club, with donations including the $1.3 billion gifted in 2014 to support the establishment of the University’s new teaching hospital, the CUHK Medical Centre. In light of his outstanding public service, Dr. Ip has received honours and awards over the years, including Justice of the Peace, the Gold Bauhinia Star, and honorary degrees from several universities in Hong Kong. The University confers upon Dr. Ip the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa for his outstanding contribution to and leadership in the Hong Kong community. 第八十六屆大會 86th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees 邱勇 教授為清華大學校長,是有 機光電材料與器件研究專家,研 究重點包括有機半導體材料、有 機電子學基礎理論、有機發光顯 示材料和器件,其科研成就令他 享譽全國,獲獎無數,包括國家 傑出青年科學基金、教育部「長 江學者獎勵計劃」特聘教授、教 育部全國模範教師、國家技術發 明獎一等獎及中國科學院院士等。邱教授是第十三屆全國 人大常務委員會委員、第十三屆全國人大教育科學文化衞 生委員會副主任委員及第十三屆全國人大代表。他出掌清 華大學以來,先後兩次率團來訪中大,延續及推動兩校合 作不遺餘力,包括共建中國經濟聯合研究中心。邱教授於 2017年應邀出任理學院榮譽教授。為表揚他在學界和社會 的卓越成就,中大授以榮譽理學博士銜。 Prof. Qiu Yong  is an expert on optoelectronic materials and devices and currently the President of Tsinghua University. His main research interests focus on organic semiconductors, fundamental theories of organic electronics, and organic light-emitting materials and devices. He has won countless accolades for his scientific innovations, including Distinguished Young Scholar by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Education Changjiang Scholar, the National Model Teacher, the State Technological Invention Award— First Prize, and was elected a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a member of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress, Vice- Chairman of the Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress, and a deputy to the 13th National People’s Congress. Since he took office as the President of Tsinghua University, Professor Qiu has led two delegations to visit CUHK to enhance academic collaboration, including the opening of the Joint Research Centre for Chinese Economy. In 2017, CUHK appointed him to be Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Science. CUHK confers upon him the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa  in recognition of his exceptional contributions to academia and society.  任志剛 教授大紫荊勳賢是香港 金融管理局首任總裁,現任香港 行政會議非官守成員及中國金融 學會執行副會長。任教授曾參與 制訂聯繫匯率制度,協助香港發 展成為國際金融中心。1998年亞 洲金融風暴期間,成功擊退國際 炒家,捍衞港元及股票市場,被 Asiamoney譽為「1998年最佳 中央銀行家」。任教授屢獲殊榮,包括金紫荊星章、大紫荊 勳章、香港銀行學會年度銀行家獎,歷年獲多所本地大學 頒授榮譽博士學位。任教授與中大關係尤其密切,自2006 年起擔任中大工商管理學院榮譽教授,並自2010年起出任 劉佐德全球經濟及金融研究所傑出研究員。中大向任教授 頒授榮譽社會科學博士銜,以表彰他對香港貨幣及金融事 務的貢獻。  Professor the Honourable Yam Chi-kwong Joseph was the first Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. He is currently a non-official member of the Executive Council, HKSAR and Executive Vice-President of the China Society for Finance and Banking. He helped develop the linked exchange rate system and implemented other reform measures, contributing to Hong Kong’s development into an international financial centre. During the Asian financial turmoil in 1998, Professor Yam successfully defeated international speculators and defended Hong Kong’s currency and stocks. He was named the ‘Central Bank Governor of the Year’ in 1998 by Asiamoney. Professor Yam has been honoured with many awards, including the Gold Bauhinia Star, the Grand Bauhinia Medal, and the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers’ The Banker of the Year Award. He has also received many honorary doctorates from various local universities. He has been especially close to CUHK, where he has served as an Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Business Administration since 2006, and a Distinguished Research Fellow of the Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics and Finance since 2010. CUHK confers upon him the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa , in recognition of his contribution to Hong Kong’s monetary and financial development. J. Lau 04 # 5 2 9 / 5 3 0 | 1 9 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 8 香 港中文大學於11月29日舉行第八十六屆大會,由大學監督 林鄭 月娥 女士大紫荊勳賢主禮。中大向三位傑出人士頒授榮譽博士 學位,以表揚他們對公益事業、科研發展、教育及金融事務的貢 獻,他們分別為:葉錫安博士、邱勇教授及任志剛教授大紫荊勳賢。大會同時 頒授451個博士學位,包括3名醫學博士、429名哲學博士、10名教育博士、 6名護理博士及3名心理學博士。 C UHK held its 86th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on 29 November. The Honourable Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor , Chancellor of CUHK, presided at the congregation. Three distinguished persons were conferred honorary degrees in recognition of their outstanding contributions to community welfare, scientific research, and the promotion of educational and financial affairs: Dr. Ip Sik-on Simon, Prof. Qiu Yong and Professor the Honourable Yam Chi-kwong Joseph. A total of 451 doctoral degrees were conferred on the occasion. These included three Doctors of Medicine, 429 Doctors of Philosophy, 10 Doctors of Education, six Doctors of Nursing, and three Doctors of Psychology.