Newsletter No. 541

「在香港觀星, 十次裏總有兩三次無功而回, 四五次效果一般, 但也有兩三次 格外精彩。 我們能做的只有去足十次, 每次做好最充分的準備, 有效地提高勝算, 然後把其餘交給命運。」 電子工程及逸夫書院校友、  「星河科研社」創辦人  方浩翔 從觀星到觀照人生 p.06 的 矢 錄 / R emarkables ‘Many educators think if you are having fun, you aren’t learning. We’re disproving that theory. People like games. Games allow us to learn for longer than usual and participate with greater engagement because the learning is fun.’ Prof. Catherine McBride of the Department of Psychology, founder of Cayan Education Ltd. and developer of the patented card game BumperCards  p.06 ‘We aim to acquire records of historical value that reflect our teaching and learning initiatives, research, knowledge transfer activities, administration and alumni relations. The Archives is a platform where historical resources about the University are preserved for use by the greater CUHK community and public.’ Ms. Sintra Tsang , University Archivist p.02 「我們的學生可以到東南亞去 建築,那一帶百分之七十以上是小 房子。在香港建高樓,是服務發展 商,但我們在玉樹、在菲律賓,在 肯尼亞都蓋過房子,出去的話你會 發現這是非常大的需求。」 專注研究輕型建築系統的中大建築學院  朱競翔教授 (《東周刊》,2019年7月31日) 「失明後,我受了很多人幫助,我選讀社會科學,也希望在將來能夠透過 自己的力量,盡可能去幫助他人!」 香港賽馬會獎學金得主、社會科學院二年級生、崇基學院學生  練子諾 (《香港01》,2019年7月4日) 「任何人只要位置放對了, 就可發揮。 一個人是否勝任某個職位, 不全在於個人才幹。 技能和性格能否與隊員配合互補, 也很重要。」 大學第二屆正向員工服務獎  個人獎及領袖獎得主  和聲書院院務主任  羅霍玉卿女士 p.04 ‘I am unsure how Korea will be able to replace Japan’s inputs for their finished products. Likewise, I can’t see an easy export replacement for Japanese products…’ Prof. Bryan Mercurio of the School of Law on the trade dispute between Japan and South Korea (‘Japan’s doing to Samsung what the US did to Huawei. But why?’, Quartz , 17 July 2019) Self-powered equipment can enable users to get rid of the inconvenient daily charge. This energy harvester would promote the development of self-powered wearable devices. Prof. Liao Wei-hsin of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering developed a device that can harvest energy from its wearer’s locomotion ( EurekAlert , 17 July 2019) 12 # 5 4 1 | 1 9 . 0 8 . 2 0 1 9