Newsletter No. 544

「如果在產前診斷中發現胎兒患 有臨床顯著的基因組失衡,就能 為孕婦及其家人提供更多資訊, 以助他們作出相應決定,並檢視 日後的生育計劃。」 醫學院婦產科學系系主任 梁德楊教授 (「香港中大成功引入全基因組測序技術作胎兒產前診斷」, 《香港中國通訊社》,2019年9月18日) 的 矢 錄 / R emarkables ‘To try to understand behaviour in terms of what physically and chemically happens in the brain and to make sense of it in the larger context is to me a wonderful piece of detective work that is intrinsically interesting.’ Prof. Nicholas Rawlins, Master of Morningside College p.02 ‘When we have a clear and comprehensive standard about how prices are set, insurers can be more certain in designing insurance products. I’ve reached out to the insurance sector and they were positive about our plan.’ Dr. Fung Hong, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of CUHK Medical Centre (‘CUHK hospital to open next year’, Hong Kong Standard , 17 September 2019) 「《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》 等於把矽谷與華爾街集中於港深 一身,大灣區將成為中國經濟發 展的新引擎。」 藍饒富暨藍凱麗經濟學講座教授 劉遵義教授 (「中國經濟改革沒有輸家」, 《中國新聞網》,2019年9月14日) 「如中醫醫療資訊系統引入《國際疾病與相關問題健康分類》中醫部分, 並與西醫CMS互通,或可嘗試從臨床實踐中歸納結果,在傳承學術思想 之餘,亦可為將來研究開發中醫藥治療香港常見疾病的新方藥組合、療 效、中西藥共用安全性等方面踏出關鍵的第一步。」 中醫學院 官可祈博士 (「從病歷數據探索中醫藥傳承」,《信報財經新聞》,2019年9月20日) ‘Under certain circumstances, an explosion could spread the virus. Part of the wave of the force of the explosion would carry it away from the site when it was first stored.’ Dr. Joseph Kam of the Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases (‘Explosion and fire break out at Russian lab known for housing deadly smallpox virus’, , 17 September 2019) ‘Microbial contamination is very serious. We can sometimes inactivate the bacteria, meaning they won’t multiply, or even kill them, and they really won’t come back again.’ Prof. Wong Po-keung of the School of Life Sciences, a microbiologist treating contaminated water p.05 ‘When kids feel like their privacy is really being invaded, what they tend to do is fortify the boundaries they perceive as around their personal stuff or personal information.’ Prof. Skyler Hawk of the Department of Educational Psychology (‘The Case Against Spying on Your Kids With Apps’, One Zero , 19 September 2019) 「現今核心家庭數目增,跨代關係 趨薄弱,相信計劃可讓學生藉 照顧長者,了解公共醫療政策的可 行性及局限,加強面對社會老齡 化挑戰的應對能力。」 醫學院院長 陳家亮教授 (「跨代共融計劃 學生變長者『同伴』」, 《香港經濟日報》,2019年9月20日) 08 # 5 4 4 | 0 4 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 9