Newsletter No. 376

第三七六期 二零一一年四月十九日  No. 376 19 April 2011 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 球場展英姿 欖球是講求技術、速度、力量及合作精神的運動,中大男子 欖球隊早前正展現了這樣的風範。在3月19至20日假香港大學何鴻 燊體育中心舉行的香港大專體育協會第六屆七人欖球賽中,擊敗香 港科技大學,首奪男子組冠軍。 Show Them What You’ve Got Rugby is a sport that demands technique, speed, power, and teamwork. The CUHK men’s rugby team recently demonstrated its superb mastery of all of the above on the playing field. On 19 and 20 March, our team beat the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology team at the Men’s Rugby 7-a-Side Regular Events held by the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong at the University of Hong Kong. This was the CUHK team’s first-ever championship in the event. P2 「他們很多沒有真正看過戲,卻總是 聽別人說傳統戲曲很悶。『送戲到 校園』就是要改變這種成見。」 ‘Most of them haven’t been to any opera performance, but have heard others say that traditional Chinese opera is boring. Our campus demo tour is aimed at changing such preconceptions.’ P4 「我們想要一千四百四十四家 餐廳,或者一千四百四十四座 博物館,還是一千四百四十四 間慈善機構辦公室?」 ‘Are we going to have 1,444 restaurants, 1,444 museums or 1,444 offices of charity?’ P8 「學生事務是配合大學其他的 環節⋯⋯營造能促進學生全面 發展的環境。」 ‘The OSA, together with other units in the University, aims to provide an environment that facilitates the all-round personal development of our students.’