

  1. Epidemiology of Varicella Infection and Barriers to Vaccination Uptake in Preschool and School Children in Hong Kong (HK$263,161)
    Sponsor: Health and Medical Research Fund
    Principal investigator: Prof. Tam Wai-san Wilson, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care
  2. REID-Enabled Sensing Technologies for Real-time Environmental Monitoring and Risk Management (HK$8,995,300)
    Sponsor: Innovation and Technology Fund—Innovation Technology Support Programme
    Principal investigator: Prof. Wu Ke-li, Department of Electronic Engineering
  3. HIV Infection and Related Sexual Behaviours of Cross-border Hong Kong MSM and Their Sex Partners in Shenzhen (HK$2,026,574)
    Sponsor: AIDS Trust Fund
    Principal investigator: Prof. Wang Xiaorong, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care
  4. The Association between Molecular Biomarkers in EGFR Downstream Signaling Pathway and Clinical Outcomes of Cetuximab Treatment in Patients with Wild-type KRAS Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (HK$981,720)
    Sponsor: Health and Medical Research Fund
    Principal investigator: Prof. Tang Jin-ling, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care
  5. A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effectiveness of a Home-based Interactive e-Health Educational Intervention for Middle-aged Adults in Improving Total Exercise, Adherence Rate, Exercise Efficacy and Outcomes (HK$ 650,420)
    Sponsor: Health and Medical Research Fund
    Principal investigator: Prof. Wong Mi-ling Eliza, The Nethersole School of Nursing
