Newsletter No. 374

本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第三七四期 二零一一年三月十九日 No. 374 19 March 2011 一哥廚房 校長餃子 慣於拿聽診器的沈祖堯校長,在廚房卻是初哥,為學習一兩道菜式傍身宴客,他早 前邀請精於烹飪的前警隊「一哥」、中大校董李明逵先生光臨新亞書院雲起軒,示 範包餃子,兩人更即場以生煎及放湯兩種做法,炮製這象徵包容與和諧的美點, 宴請報名出席的同事。看沈校長徒手從熱鍋中拿起的餃子,飽滿渾圓,底部焦脆, 可見在名師指點下,「初哥」已摸索得「一哥」的一點竅門。 Dick and Joe’s Kitchen Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, venerated doctor and fledgling cook, invited Mr. Lee Ming-kwai Dick, CUHK council member, former Commissioner of Police, and amateur chef par excellence, to teach him how to make Chinese dumplings in Yun Chi Hsien, New Asia College. Dumplings or jiaozi are symbols of magnanimity and harmony. The two men wrapped the stuffing into bite-sized morsels and cooked them two ways: pan-fried and in soup. Staff members attending the event got to taste these little pockets of heaven after the demonstration. Under the guidance of his teacher, Professor Sung was able to make plump dumplings and take them out from the hot pan with his bare hands. P2 三三四的籌備工作進展 相當不俗,但未來仍有很 多挑戰。 Although we have made exceptional progress in our preparation (for 3+3+4), many challenges still lie ahead. P3 中大校園刮起一陣白先勇熱,這位舉世 知名的作家所到之處,均吸引大批希望 親睹其風采的讀者。 P8 我發覺香港學生不愛修讀工程學, 所以決定回港,為工程教育做點 事,多吸納優秀學生入讀。 I found that Hong Kong students did not like to study engineering. So, I decided to come back and contribute to local engineering education. I was hoping to attract more outstanding students to the field. The CUHK campus was seized by ‘Pai Hsien- yung mania’. Wherever this renowned author went, crowds of fans followed.