Annual Report 2017–18

開闊視野 拓展未來 Broadening the Mind to Open Up a World of Possibilities 21 流感快速測試 修讀生命科學及生物醫學工程學的十五名中 大學生組隊參加2017年尾於波士頓舉行的 國際遺傳工程機器設計世界賽,獲得金牌, 其得獎項目為「巧換博士:甲型流感病毒現 場快速測試」,能數小時內於醫院、市場、口 岸等地方檢測H1N1、H1N5、H7N9等甲型 流感亞種。此新檢測法無須於實驗室進行, 可大大縮短檢測時間。(上圖) 創新科技獎學金 八名中大學生於2018年4月23日獲香港青年 協會頒發創新科技獎學金。獎學金得主將前 往國內或海外著名學府上課,並參與實習及 輔導計劃。 出類拔萃 工商管理學院學生、企業家及環保人士 Antoinette Catonia Mia Bailey於2018年 2月2日舉行的「工商管理碩士教育協會」周 年晚宴暨「工商管理卓越獎」頒獎典禮上, 獲頒由《華爾街日報》贊助的「年度最優秀 工商管理學生獎」。 兒童理財計劃獲嘉許 由兩位工商管理學院學生組成的隊伍 「TCS」,於2017年11月舉行的「數碼港  • 大 學合作夥伴計劃2017」中,獲選為十二支最 優秀隊伍之一。「TCS」獲得十萬港元種子基 金,資助繼續研發程式。該程式利用遊戲及聊 天機器人解釋儲蓄、信貸、支出等理財概念。 田徑隊折桂 中大女子田徑隊於2018年3月11日舉行的香 港大專體育協會周年陸運會奪得女子團體 冠軍。中大同時獲得全場總冠軍。 Rapid On-site Influenza Test Kit A team of 15 undergraduate students of life science and biomedical engineering was awarded a gold medal at the International Genetically Engineered Machine 2017 Giant Jamboree held in Boston in late 2017. The winning project, named ‘Dr. Switch: A Rapid On-site Method for Subtyping Influenza A Virus’, can identify the specific subtype, e.g., H1N1, H5N1 or H7N9, of Influenza A in a few hours at hospitals, markets, border checkpoints, etc. The new method greatly lessens the time taken to perform laboratory tests on viral strains. (Top photo) Innovation and Technology Scholarships Eight CUHK students were presented the Innovation and Technology Scholarships issued by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups on 23 April 2018. The award recipients would be provided opportunities to be attached to top-notched institutes on the mainland or abroad, and participate in internship and mentorship programmes. MBA Student of the Year Antoinette Catonia Mia Bailey was presented the MBA Student of the Year Award sponsored by The Wall Street Journal at the Annual AMBA Gala Dinner and MBA Excellence Awards hosted by The Association of MBAs on 2 February 2018. Antoinette is a social entrepreneur and environmentalist. Wealth Management for Kids Won Plaudits TCS, a team formed by two students from the Faculty of Business Administration, was one of the 12 winning teams at the Cyberport University Partnership Programme held in November 2017. TCS won seed money of HK$100,000 to finance the further development of its application, which explains through games and chatbots the features of wealth management, including saving, credit, and expenditure. Cheers for the Athletic Team The CUHK Women’s Athletic Team claimed the championship of the women’s category at the Annual Athletic Meet organized by the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong on 11 March 2018. The CUHK Team was also the overall champion of the contest. 中大學生隊伍憑現場流感測試技術獲獎 The CUHK student team lauded for their on-site flu test kit