Annual Report 2019–20

100 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2019–2020 財務狀況表 Statement of Financial Position 截至 2020 年 6 月 30 日 as at 30 June 2020 以港幣千元列示 Expressed in thousands of Hong Kong dollars 2020 2019 非流動資產 Non-Current Assets 於附屬公司的投資 Investments in Subsidiaries 1,611,257 611,257 固定資產 Fixed Assets 6,034,376 6,014,823 投資 Investments 4,702,361 5,178,059 僱員退休褔利資產 Employee Retirement Benefit Assets 6,187 8,029 預付款項及其他應收款項 Prepayments and Other Receivables 53,490 53,490 12,407,671 11,865,658 流動資產 Current Assets 投資 Investments 3,720,828 3,474,783 教職員貸款 Staff Loans 239,660 230,840 應收帳款、預付款項及  其他應收款項 Accounts Receivable, Prepayments and  Other Receivables 1,074,579 1,255,015 合約資產 Contract Assets 33,726 28,975 現金及銀行短期存款 Cash and Short-term Deposits with Banks 14,472,957 12,492,459 19,541,750 17,482,072 流動負債 Current Liabilities 應付帳款及應計費用 Accounts Payable and Accruals 965,373 813,659 合約負債 Contract Liabilities 485,044 531,140 租賃負責 Lease Liabilities 8,318 — 僱員福利準備 Provision for Employee Benefits 631,161 665,031 借款 Loans and Borrowings 237,660 204,000 遞延收益 Deferred Income 1,010,423 667,876 3,337,979 2,881,706 流動資產淨值 Net Current Assets 16,203,771 14,600,366 總資產減流動負債 Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 28,611,442 26,466,024 非流動負債 Non-Current Liabilities 租賃負責 Lease Liabilities 5,187 — 僱員福利準備 Provision for Employee Benefits 254,130 234,664 借款 Loans and Borrowings 12,000 12,000 遞延收益 Deferred Income 1,607,554 1,496,287 1,878,871 1,742,951 遞延資產基金 Deferred Capital Funds 3,528,432 3,551,347 資產淨值 NET ASSETS 23,204,139 21,171,726 專用基金 Restricted Funds 19,007,063 17,333,101 教資會基金 UGC Funds 4,197,076 3,838,625 基金總額 TOTAL FUNDS 23,204,139 21,171,726