Annual Report 2019–20

114 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2019–2020 香港防盲協會主席、香港醫學會會董龐朝輝醫生 Dr. Pong Chiu-fai, Jeffrey, President of Hong Kong Federation of Societies for Prevention of Blindness, Council Member of The Hong Kong Medical Association 天水圍循道衞理小學校長蘇炳輝先生 Mr. So Ping-fai, Principal, Tin Shui Wai Methodist Primary School 行政長官社區服務獎狀 Chief Executive’s Commendation for Community Service 前屯門區區議員甘文鋒先生 Mr. Kam Man-fung, Former District Councillor, Tuen Mun District Council 前荃灣區區議員林婉濱女士 Ms. Lam Yuen-pun, Former District Councillor, Tsuen Wan District Council 前瑪利諾修院學校(小學部)校長曾潔貞女士 Ms. Tsang Git-ging, Josephine, Former Principal, Maryknoll Convent School (Primary Section) 前立法會秘書處翻譯及傳譯部主管黃健文先生 Mr. Wong Kin-man, Former Head, Translation and Interpretation Division, Legislative Council Secretariat 醫管局傳染病中心醫務總監曾德賢醫生 Dr. Tsang Tak-yin, Owen, Medical Director, Hospital Authority Infectious Disease Centre 前入境處部門管理科主任秘書方培城先生 Mr. Fong Pui-sing, Former Departmental Secretary, Departmental Management Division, Immigration Department 九龍樂善堂醫務經理吳澤恒先生 Mr. Ng Chak-hang, Medical Service Manager, The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon 衞生署衞生防護健康促進處高級護士長李家強先生 Mr. Lee Ka-keung, Senior Nursing Officer, Health Promotion Branch, Health Protection, Department of Health 衞生署衞生防護感染控制處資深護師李敏慈女士 Ms. Li Man-chi, Advanced Practice Nurse, Infection Control Branch, Health Protection, Department of Health 瑪嘉烈醫院病理學顧問醫生杜榮健醫生 Dr. To Wing-kin, Consultant, Department of Pathology, Princess Margaret Hospital 威爾斯親王醫院內科及藥物治療科顧問醫生周啟明醫生 Dr. Chow Kai-ming, Consultant, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Prince of Wales Hospital 衞生署衞生防護感染控制處副顧問醫生馬紹強醫生 Dr. Ma Siu-keung, Associate Consultant, Infection Control Branch, Health Protection, Department of Health 威爾斯親王醫院微生物化驗室科學主任梁志文博士 Dr. Leung Chi-man, Scientific Officer, Department of Microbiology, Prince of Wales Hospital 基督教聯合醫院高級護士長梁樂文先生 Mr. Leung Lok-man, Senior Nursing Officer, United Christian Hospital 香港中華出入口商會副會長陳建年先生 Mr. Chan Kin-nin, Kenneth, Vice President, The Hong Kong Chinese Importers’ & Exporters’ Association 瑪麗醫院顧問護師黃熙締女士 Ms. Wong Hay-tai, Nurse Consultant, Queen Mary Hospital 香港工程師學會會長源柏樑先生 Mr. Yuen Pak-leung, President, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers 葉俊汶先生 Mr. Yip Chun-man 香港急症科醫學院院長蕭粵中醫生 Dr. Siu Yuet-chung, Axel, President, Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine