Annual Report 2019–20

36 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2019–2020 人體動能採電系統 機械與自動化工程學系廖維新教授發明 輕便人體動能電力採集系統。新研發的 裝置以膝蓋為支點,能夠將步行時膝部 彎曲的動能轉化為電力,為計步器、健 康監測儀、全球定位系統等穿戴式電子 產品供電。 Harvesting Energy from Walking Prof. Liao Wei-hsin of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering developed a lightweight smart materials-based energy harvester for collecting energy from human motion, thereby generating sustainable power supply from walking. The energy thus captured can be used to fuel wearable electronics, including pedometers, health monitors and GPS devices.