Annual Report 2019–20

6 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2019–2020 又一代的中大畢業生無負生命,以知識和 仁愛服務社會,並將繼續為未來的中大 學生領航。這就是真正的中大精神。我們 永不停步,務使大學成為一處成員之間 能夠和而不同、理性討論的理想園地。為 此,大學於 2020 年 7月推出多元共融政 策,並成立多元共融事務處。多元共融政 策整合及鞏固大學已有的相關政策、項目 及部門,以更有效地推廣及實踐校園社 群中開放包容、文明有禮等核心價值。多 元共融政策明確地展現了大學的決心,為 所有成員──不論其年齡、性別、族群、 種族、宗教、身體障礙或能力──提供多 元和有利發揮所長的環境,同時也申明 我們絕不容忍任何形式的憎恨、暴力、歧 視或滋擾行為。 2020 年,新冠肺炎帶來了新常態,相信 會持續一段時間。大學迅速應變,各部門 全力配合,保障全體學生、員工,以及社 區人士的健康及安全。同時,我們敢於 創新,務使教研活動能繼續邁步向前。 疫情帶來難以預料的情況及諸多不便, 為我們的教學、研究及社會服務添上不 少困難。縱使如此,大學各持份者皆鼎力 襄助,在逆境中展現出互助及友愛精神, 也帶來反思及感恩的機會。這使我想起 著名法國作家阿爾貝•卡繆的小說《瘟疫》 中的一句話: 「如果有一樣東西可以讓人永遠 渴望,又時而可以得到的,那就是 人與人之間的愛。」 這場世紀疫症教曉我們,在疫苗以外,也 許解除危機的最佳「解藥」就是仁愛,以 及對社會的共同承擔。 大學在 2020 年 4月成立中大支援基金, During the chaotic times when mistrust, anxiety and even hatred prevail, the University motto ‘Through Learning and Temperance to Virtue’ ( Bo Wen Yue Li ), is of particular relevance. This time-tested motto of ours has led generations of CUHK graduates to lead meaningful lives, to serve the community with their knowledge and compassion, and shall continue to guide the generations to come. That is what the true CUHK spirit stands for. We vow to continue to make the University a place where differences are respected and opinions rationally debated. The introduction of the Diversity and Inclusion Policy and the establishment of the Diversity and Inclusion Office in July 2020 put into action what we have professed in words. The Policy brings together the different policies, programmes and offices that are already in place at the University under a grand mission to safeguard and promote the University’s core values of openness, civility and inclusivity. It is a testament of our determination to foster a diverse and enabling environment for all members of CUHK, in spite of differences in age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion and disability/ability. It also affirms our zero tolerance towards any form of hatred, violence, discrimination or harassment. In the year 2020, we also saw how the COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a new normal that is likely to last for months or even years to come. CUHK acted quickly and diligently to safeguard the well-being of our students, staff and members of the community, and at the same time we responded innovatively to ensure that our teaching and research continue to forge ahead. I fully understand the difficulty of engaging in teaching and learning, research, and community services amidst the uncertainties and inconveniences caused by the pandemic. Nevertheless, different sectors of the University community pitched in, thereby making the pandemic a time for collegiality,