Annual Report 2020–21

30 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2020–2021 The University launched the 'CUHK Co-operative Education Programme' ('Co-op@CUHK') , which is a university-wide credit bearing experiential work-integrated learning programme. The first of its kind in Hong Kong, Co- op@CUHK is designed to bridge the gap between university education and the workplace by providing students in their penultimate year with paid, full-time eight-month work placements. The programme will see students placed at a diverse range of employers including multinational corporations, local industry, non-profits, startups and statutory bodies. Co-op@CUHK is expected to form a centrepiece of the University's industry engagement and ensure CUHK is placed at the forefront of building a pipeline of talent to help build the future economy. 大學推出為全校本科生推出 「在學.在 職計劃」 ,是本港大學首創的體驗式工 學結合計劃,旨在透過安排同學於畢 業前一年參與為期八個月的全職有薪 職場實習,銜接大學教育與職場實況。 計劃讓同學有機會於不同類型的跨 國企業、本地公司、非牟利機構、初創 公司及政府團體工作。「在學.在職計 劃」是中大支持校企合作的重要舉措, 讓大學走在前端,為社會培育人才,推 動經濟發展。 「在學.在職計劃」 Co-operative Education Programme (左起)中大協理副校長(創新及企業)李康善教授、常務副校長陳金樑教授、副校長潘偉賢教授,及中 大「在學.在職計劃」課程主任賴漢榮博士擔任「在學.在職計劃」簡報會的主禮嘉賓。 (From left) Professor Daniel H.S. Lee, Associate Vice-President (Innovation and Enterprise), Professor Alan K.L. Chan, Provost, Professor Isabella Poon Wai-yin, Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice- President, CUHK, and Dr. John Lai, Programme Director of Co-op@CUHK officiate at the launch event of the ‘CUHK Co-operative Education Programme’ (Co-op@CUHK). 1 1