Annual Report 2020–21

6 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2020–2021 為學生提供豐富的學習體驗,是中大的 核心使命。我們目標清晰,致力提供優 良的學術訓練、全人發展及通識教育, 培育學生成為學養兼備的人才。廿一世 紀的社會急速轉變,我們的教育決不可 原地踏步。為畢業生的未來事業作好 準備,中大推出全新旗艦項目「在學‧ 在職計劃」,向本科生提供職場實習機 會,輔以特別設計的課程,把大學教育 與社會緊密連接起來,讓學生在畢業 後更具競爭力。 受疫情所限,本年很多活動仍然需要在 線上進行,但無阻我們以主動開放的 態度,與國際接軌,積極跟全球夥伴及 盟友加強協作,並利用互聯網讓學生 參與世界頂尖大學合辦線上交流。在 本年報撰文之時,中大已全面恢復面授 課堂。能夠再次見到同學們在校園內 有說有笑,興致勃勃地投入校園生活, 實在令我感動不已。隨着全球愈來愈多 人接種疫苗,科學進步將引領我們走出 疫情陰霾,曙光漸現。 本年報記載了中大在此充滿挑戰與新機 之年的部分重要成果,我誠意邀請各位 細閱,並期待與大家在中大校園相見。 香港中文大學校長 段崇智 real-world work experience alongside specially designed courses. This curriculum is designed to ensure a deeper integration between undergraduate education and the wider economy, which is essential in powering long-term productivity and maximising graduate outcomes. While many of the activities in the year in review took place virtually with pandemic restrictions, we have remained open, proactive, collaborative, and deeply engaged with the world, be it connecting virtually with our international partners and alliances, or creating opportunities for students to have virtual exchanges with the world’s finest universities. As I pen these words, our campus has reopened for face-to-face classes, and nothing could be more pleasing than to hear the chatter of students on their way to lectures or see the excitement of young people as they engage in university life. As the world gets vaccinated and science leads the way in exiting us from the pandemic, hope is emerging and shining through. What you will read in the following chapters are just some of the highlights in what was a remarkable year at CUHK. I commend this report to you and I hope to see you at CUHK soon. Rocky S. Tuan Vice-Chancellor and President   請掃描二維碼深入了解「中大‧成就2021」。 Please scan here for more information about CUHK Achievements in 2021. 中文 English