Annual Report 2020–21

大學校董會報告 Report of the Council 65 Bringing in the best and bringing out the best in all our people are key to CUHK’s continued success. The quality of human capital impacts not only the core business of the University but also the future growth of Hong Kong. In providing education, research and service of the highest standards and quality, the University seeks to nurture future leaders, contribute to Hong Kong’s economic development, help strengthen the fabric of society and address complex global challenges. For achieving academic excellence, a strong ‘Team CUHK’ is needed, and strengthening Team CUHK in qualitative terms will be a priority and major challenge. As such, a new flagship Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Recruitment Programme has been launched by consolidating and transforming several disparate recruitment schemes established previously into a signature global talent attraction platform. CUHK will strive to compete for the best talent and announce to the world our aim and ambition. We aim to attract outstanding young talent from around the world to join us as Assistant Professor or Associate Professor under the University’s new flagship Early Career Professorship Scheme. CUHK has set up the Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee in 2020 to champion the Diversity and Inclusion Policy and ensure that any action plans derived therefrom are effectively implemented. The Diversity and Inclusion Office was also established in the same year to serve as an executive arm for the Steering Committee, a coordinating unit to advance the University’s diversity and inclusion agenda. A set of procedures for handling discrimination complaints is in place to set out the mechanism for dealing with allegations or complaints covered by the Diversity and Inclusion Policy and provide proper redress if and when discrimination, harassment and vilification occur. CUHK has zero tolerance for any form of harassment or discrimination. In ‘ CUHK 2025 ’, CUHK sets out a vision to establish itself as a 21st century civic university striving for excellence with a purpose and embracing social responsibility for sustainable development. CUHK has set for itself concrete sustainable development targets in alignment with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, which apply to all areas of the University’s endeavours. The University has built into its curriculum contents that cultivate the spirit of University Social Responsibility (USR) and one of the five USR goals is to pursue climate action and commit to the ambition of carbon neutrality by 2038 when CUHK will be celebrating its 75th anniversary. Several initiatives to tackle climate change have been implemented in recent years, including waste reduction, plastic- free campus, green office programme, and installation of Solar Photovoltaic Systems. 外,綜合科研實驗大樓(第二座)項目獲 立法會財務委員會批准撥款,已於2021 年秋季動工。 引進優才,讓大學成員發揮潛能,盡展 所長,無疑是中大持續成功之道。人力 資本的質素不但影響大學的核心運作, 也對香港未來發展舉足輕重。大學提供 最高水準和最優質的教育、研究和服 務,致力培育未來領袖,貢獻香港經濟 發展,強化社會肌理,以應對複雜的全 球挑戰。要在學術界取得卓越成就,我 們需要一支壯大的「中大團隊」。提升中 大團隊的質素將是重要一環,且是重大 挑戰。有見及此,大學推出「校長策略招 聘計劃」,此旗艦項目整合了數個原有的 招聘計劃,演化成中大特有的全球人才 吸納平台。大學將積極羅致頂尖人才,並 向世界展示我們的抱負和願景。透過「 青年教授席招聘計劃」,大學希望能邀 請青年才俊來校,出任助理教授或副教 授,充實教學團隊。 大學於2020年成立多元共融督導委員 會,以配合《多元共融政策》的推行,並 確保與政策相關的行動方案均有效實 踐。同年,大學成立多元共融事務處,負 責執行督導委員會的決策,統籌及推動 大學與推廣多元共融文化相關的舉措。 大學亦制訂《處理歧視投訴程序》,詳列 《多元共融政策》所涵蓋的指控或投訴 的正式處理途徑,以及一旦發生歧視、騷 擾或中傷時,應採取的適當補救措施。大 學絕不容忍任何形式的騷擾或歧視。 《中大2025》闡述了「力臻至善,任重道 遠」的願景。大學矢志成為二十一世紀以 公益為先的高等院校,積極履行社會責 任,推動可持續發展,並按照聯合國可持 續發展目標,明確訂立了適用於大學各個 運作層面的可持續發展目標,又把大學社 會責任概念融入課程內容。五項大學社會 責任包括採取行動應對氣候變化,並致力 實現2038年(即大學踏入創校七十五周 年之時)達致「碳中和」的目標。近年,大 學推出多項措施以應對氣候變化,包括推 動減廢、建設無塑校園、推行「中大綠識 辦」計劃及安裝太陽能發電系統等。