Annual Report 2020–21

關於中大 About CUHK 9 香港中文大學是全港唯一設有書院制 度的大學。所有全日制本科生都可選擇 成為一所書院的一分子。書院提供眾 多非形式的教育機會,與正規課程相 輔相成,培養學生待人接物的技巧、文 化品味、自信心和責任感。九所書院獨 樹一幟,各具特色,匯聚起來,塑造了 中大的精神面貌。 CUHK is the only university in Hong Kong that offers a college system. All full-time undergraduates are affiliated with one of the nine Colleges. College life offers a plethora of non-formal learning opportunities complementing the formal curriculum. This builds students’ interpersonal skills and their cultural sensitivity, as well as boosts their confidence and sense of social responsibility. Each College is distinctive, but together they shape the character of the University. 崇基學院 逸夫書院 敬文書院 新亞書院 晨興書院 伍宜孫書院 聯合書院 善衡書院 和聲書院 Chung Chi College Shaw College CWChu College New Asia College Morningside College Wu Yee Sun College United College S.H. Ho College Lee Woo Sing College 成立年份 Founded in 成立年份 Founded in 成立年份 Founded in 成立年份 Founded in 成立年份 Founded in 成立年份 Founded in 成立年份 Founded in 成立年份 Founded in 成立年份 Founded in 1951 1986 2007 1949 2006 2007 1956 2006 2007 38 研究所數目 學院 Number of Research Institutes Faculties 書院制度 The College System 文學院 Faculty of Arts 法律學院 Faculty of Law 工商管理學院 Faculty of Business Administration 醫學院 Faculty of Medicine 教育學院 Faculty of Education 理學院 Faculty of Science 工程學院 Faculty of Engineering 社會科學院 Faculty of Social Science