Annual Report 2021–22

2021–2022 年度概覽 Highlights 21 優異生獲頒獎學金 Outstanding students granted prestigious scholarships 李約瑟科技與文明基金會向應屆中大物理系畢業生郭逸朗頒 發2022年「李約瑟博士獎學金」,以肯定其優異學術成績及 人文素養。郭同學是該獎學金重新啟動後首位得主,將赴笈 英國劍橋大學修讀應用數學及理論物理博士課程。此外,基 金會亦向三位傑出中大生頒發「李約瑟優秀學生獎學金」,支 持他們到英國、美國及瑞士的頂尖大學攻讀博士學位。 Jack Kwok Yat-long, BSc graduate in Physics, became the first student in 2022 to receive the Joseph Needham PhD Fellowship since its relaunch for his excellent academic performance and commitment to humanity. He will pursue his doctoral studies in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge. The Joseph Needham Foundation for Science & Civilisation also acknowledged the talent of three outstanding students from CUHK through the 2022 Joseph Needham Merit Scholarship Programme. The selected candidates will further their studies at reputable universities in the United Kingdom, the United States and Switzerland. 中大「環太平洋大學聯盟」 網上學生交流計劃獲高度讚揚 CUHK-led APRU Virtual Student Exchange Programme earns acclaim 中大透過「環太平洋大學聯盟」(APRU)倡導之「網上學生交 流計劃」(VSE)入圍「2021年度泰晤士高等教育亞洲大獎」 的「年度國際戰略獎」,並獲「高度讚揚」榮譽。 APRU是由太平洋沿岸地區六十家頂尖院校組成之網絡。 因應新冠肺炎疫情下全球旅遊受限制,中大於2020年透過 APRU推出VSE,集合網絡院校的力量,提供不同學科的網上 學術課程,以及涵蓋文化融合、社交技巧、領導培訓和職涯 發展等主題的聯課活動,為全球學生提供全面的網上學生交 流體驗。 計劃開展一年多以來,已獲來自十六個國家或地區共三十七所夥伴院校參與,並為聯盟學生舉辦超過五百五十個網上學術課程 及七十五個聯課活動。 VSE將持續因應國際教育環境的變化,適時調整,以迎合疫後世代之學習需要,成為全球學生交流的重要一環。 The Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Virtual Student Exchange (VSE) programme, conceptualised and managed by CUHK, was selected as a finalist and “Highly Commended” entry for International Strategy of the Year at the Times Higher Education (THE) Awards Asia 2021. Launched in 2020 under the auspices of APRU, a network of more than 60 leading universities across the Pacific Rim, the VSE was developed in response to the disruptions to global travel caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. CUHK envisioned it as a holistic virtual student exchange experience that offers online courses in a wide variety of academic disciplines, complemented by co- curricular initiatives spanning cultural immersion, social skills, and leadership and career development. In just over a year, the VSE has offered more than 550 online academic courses and 75 co-curricular programmes to students across the APRU network. 37 APRU member universities in 16 countries or regions have participated in the VSE. The VSE will remain an integral part of international student exchange and evolve with the ever-changing landscape of global education in a post-pandemic world.