Annual Report 2021–22

34 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2021–2022 優秀研究屢獲資助 Riding high in research funding 本年度,中大研究人員獲得多項研究計劃資助。在香港研究資助局(研資 局)「2021至22年度協作研究金」撥款結果中,中大成績冠絕本地大學。 全港資助大學共獲資助總金額逹二億八千五百萬港元,中大所獲撥款在 多家院校中佔最大比例,十一個項目總共獲得港幣八千二百萬元撥款,成 績令人鼓舞。 中大的跨學科研究亦獲多項研資局研究計劃資助,包括研究影響基金、 歐盟與香港研資局研究及創新合作計劃、國家自然科學基金委員會及研 資局聯合科研資助基金、法國國家科研署與研資局合作研究計劃,以及 德國與香港合作研究計劃,總額逾港幣三千二百萬元。 CUHK's research community was recognised with funding from a range of sources throughout the 2021-22 year. CUHK topped Hong Kong's universities by securing the largest share of funding under the Research Grants Council's (RGC) Collaborative Research Fund: $82 million for 11 projects, out of a total of $285 million. The University also saw multiple disciplines share over $32 million of RGC funding via a range of schemes including the Research Impact Fund, the European Union - Hong Kong Research and Innovation Cooperation Co- Funding Mechanism, the National Natural Science Foundation of China Joint Research Scheme, and the Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme.