Annual Report 2021–22

48 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2021–2022 In 2021-22, CUHK became a member of the International Universities Climate Alliance (IUCA), seeking to put our multidisciplinary climate research into practice and join hands with leading universities around the world to facilitate climate action. We pledge to play an active part in inspiring climate responses both locally and globally. To encourage the University community to enthusiastically embrace Earth Day 2022 and promote low-carbon living, the Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office, the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (MoCC) and the Hong Kong Chapter of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Solutions Network organised the CUHK EarthMonth from late March to late April 2022. The event featured a variety of activities, including the Green Family Fair, upcycling workshops, movie screenings and webinars, to raise environmental awareness among CUHK members. One of our MoCC Student Ambassadors, Hermia Chan, a Year 4 student of the Global Studies Programme, represented the University in a panel discussion at the IUCA’s Climate Talks Student Forum on Earth Day 2022, sharing her insights on how the next generation can rise to the existential challenge of climate change. 中大於2021-22年度加入 國際大學氣候聯盟 (IUCA),致力實踐有關氣候變化的跨學科研 究成果,與全球大學攜手應對氣候危機,啟發 本地及全球公眾關注氣候變化。 為響應2022年世界地球日並提倡低碳生活,中 大社會責任及可持續發展處、賽馬會氣候變化 博物館(MoCC)和聯合國可持續發展解決方 案網絡香港地區分會於2022年3月下旬至4月下 旬舉辦 「中大地球月」 ,透過環保嘉年華、升級 再造工作坊、電影放映會及網上研討會等多項 活動,提高大學成員對環境的關注,以行動保 護地球。在世界地球日當天,中大MoCC學生大 使、全球研究學士課程四年級生陳天藍更代表 大學出席IUCA的 Climate Talks學生論壇,分享 新一代環保先鋒對氣候變化的所思所想。 中大校長段崇智教授為「香港氣候變化峰會」晚宴致開幕辭。 Professor Rocky Tuan, CUHK's Vice-Chancellor and President, gave an opening speech at the Climate Change Hong Kong Summit VIP Dinner. 邁向零碳未來 Charting a net-zero future 中大是香港首家對實現碳中和目標作出承諾的高等院校, 致力推動研究、教育和社區參與,應對氣候變化。 As the first local university to announce a pledge to become carbon neutral, CUHK continues to help combat the challenges of climate change through research, education and community engagement.