Annual Report 2021–22

6 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2021–2022 章,包括達成新的戰略合作框架協議, 並成立專責委員會統籌兩校戰略性協 作,深化兩個校區在教育、創新、研究 和醫療領域的合作,並共同為香港中文 大學在全國以至全球建立更鮮明統一 的形象。 撰文之際,中大快要迎來創校六十周年 紀念。我們正密鑼緊鼓籌備連串慶祝活 動,廣邀大學同仁及世界各地的友好夥 伴一同參與。在中國傳統文化中,六十 年代表一個甲子循環的結束,並象徵新 周期的開始。鑽禧校慶為大學締造寶 貴機會,讓我們回顧中大數十載以來在 推動全球學術發展所創下的輝煌成就, 鼓勵我們砥礪前行,勇敢面對新時代的 挑戰。 回首過去一年,每位中大員工和學生的 不懈努力和專業精神、廣大校友對母校 的殷切關懷、以及善長仁翁和社會各界 對中大的堅定支持,使中大能在動盪多 變的時代中開創新機,你們的支持令我 深受感動。本年報記載了中大在此碩果 豐收之年的部分重要成就,我誠邀各位 細閱,並繼續支持中大履行使命,以社 會公益為先,為本港、國家、以至全球作 出貢獻。 香港中文大學校長 段崇智教授 2021-22 also marked a new chapter in the important partnership between CUHK and CUHK-Shenzhen. The two institutions brought their highly successful collaboration to the next level through the signing of a new Strategic Collaboration Framework Agreement that sets out plans to establish a strategic taskforce that will advance the construction of a nationally and globally leading higher education brand, as well as deep collaboration spanning education, innovation, research and medicine. As I pen these words, we are anticipating the advent of the 60th anniversary of CUHK. A range of celebratory events involving the entire CUHK community and friends from four corners of the globe is waiting to unfold. In Chinese culture, turning 60 signifies the completion of a jiazi ( 甲子) and the birth of a new cycle. While the diamond jubilee gives us a good reason to reflect on our proud history of global academic leadership, it also presents us with a vital opportunity to sustain our momentum in contributing to the grand challenges of our time. Taking stock of the past year, I owe my most sincere thanks to our committed staff and students, our passionate alumni, our generous donors and everyone else in the broader community for their unwavering support, without which we would not have been able to pivot quickly to new opportunities in what remain unsettled times. The following chapters in this Annual Report highlight the major achievements of CUHK in what was another remarkable year for us. I commend this report to you and I hope to have your continued support in our endeavours, so we can live up to our mission as a civic university and create a lasting impact in Hong Kong, across the nation and around the globe. Professor Rocky S. Tuan Vice-Chancellor and President 請掃描二維碼深入了解「中大・成就2022」。 Please scan here for more information about CUHK Achievements in 2022. 中文 English