Annual Report 2021–22

66 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2021–2022 截至 6 月 30 日 Year Ended 30 June 2022 2021 (百萬港元 HK$'M ) (百分比%) (百萬港元 HK$'M ) (百分比%) 政府資助 Government Subventions 5,679 62.6 % 5,536 45.6 % 學費、課程及其他收費 Tuition, Programme and Other Fees 2,484 27.4 % 2,298 18.9 % 利息及投資淨收益 Interest and Net Investment Income (591) -6.5 % 2,248 18.5 % 捐贈及捐款 Donations and Benefactions 467 5.1 % 1,160 9.6 % 輔助服務收入 Ancillary Services Income 321 3.5 % 243 2.0 % 其他收入 Other Income 719 7.9 % 651 5.4 % 總額 Total 9,079 100.0 % 12,136 100.0 % 表一: 按資助來源計算之大學總收益 Table 1: Total income of the University analysed by sources of funding of $591 million for the year. Major investment markets were suffering from the interest rate hike cycle commencing in the first quarter of 2022 as a means to fight against inflation, the war in Ukraine causing an energy crisis, the lockdown of some cities in China leading to supply chain disruptions, geopolitical tensions between China and the US, and the slowdown in global economy being magnified by the risk of stagflation. Without the incentive from the UGC Matching Grant Scheme and in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic, the overall income from donations and benefactions was significantly reduced by $693 million or 59.7%. The donations for various purposes showed a downward trend, except for the general academic use and development of Colleges. Income from ancillary services and other income recorded a net increase of $146 million arising from the re-opening of student hostels after the Vaccine Pass policy was implemented in early 2022. Total expenditure slightly decreased by $137 million or 1.5% from $8,933 million to $8,796 million (Table 2), as a result of staff attrition and staff turnover from retirement and long-serving staff, as well as a slowdown in activities arising from the outbreak of the fifth wave of the pandemic in early 2022. Expenditure on learning and research amounted to $6,951 million and was consistently maintained at close to 80% of the total expenditure, reaffirming the University’s mission in attaching great importance to teaching, learning and research quality. The institutional support expenditure had a slight increase of $9 million, or 0.5% to $1,845 million, mainly attributable to the increase in expenditure on scholarships, prizes and bursaries, and careers and counselling services. 城措施引致全球物流供應鏈受阻,中美地緣 政治局勢依然緊張,再加上滯脹危機加劇環 球經濟衰退,皆令環球投資市場受壓,令本 年度的利息和投資淨收益大幅回落二十八億 三千九百萬元或百分之一百二十六點三,錄得 五億九千一百萬元虧損。在沒有教資會的配 對補助金計劃的推動及在新冠肺炎疫情的陰 霾下,整體捐贈及捐款收入顯著減少六億九 千三百萬元,或百分之五十九點七。除支持一 般教學用途及書院發展的捐款收益外,其他 各項捐款收入均有下降。2022年初推行疫苗 通行證後學生宿舍重開,令輔助服務收入及 其他收入錄得淨增長一億四千六百萬元。 大學總支出輕微減少一億三千七百萬元或百 分之一點五,從八十九億三千三百萬元下降至 八十七億九千六百萬元(表二),主要由於教 職員自然流失及長期服務員工退休或離職; 此外,由於2022年初爆發第五波新冠疫情, 令大學各類型的活動皆延緩或減少。大學用 於學術及研究方面的支出達六十九億五千一 百萬元,比率持續維持在總支出的百分之八 十左右,足證大學不斷致力提升教與學及研 究質素。大學在輔助服務支出輕微增加九百 萬元或百分之零點五,至十八億四千五百萬 元,主要由獎學金、獎金、助學金、職業及輔 導服務等項目的開支增加所致。