The First Six Years 1963-69

Research ( I) Institutes Teaching is the basic purpose o f the university for the 1970's even more than for the first university in the 1170's. Research is not only a prerequisite for good teaching , bu t i t transcends the confines o f the institution and conducts a dialogue w ith the wider community o f learning. Tha t is why a premium has been placed on research from the inception o f The Chinese University. Here , research projects are conceived and implemented by individual faculty members. The University is ready to act on new ideas whenever suitable equipment, facilities and academic leader ship are available. A ll research proposals must therefore be realistic in terms o f available resources. In principle, the development o f a research field is encouraged but not hurried. Projects that centre around work or ideas that have been “ fermenting” for some time generally produce the best results. The concept that research can properly be regarded as intrinsically valuable and self-contained, although romantically pure in intent, is no longer meaningful. Neither should a project be judged on the merits o f the subject alone but rather on the merits o f the subject and the researcher jo in tly . The University recognizes the close link between research and graduate education. Indeed, it considers that advanced teaching programmes cannot be developed properly and soundly w ithou t continuous research activity. Two institutes o f advanced studies were, therefore , established as early as March 1965, namely: the Institute o f Social Studies and the Humanities and the Institute o f Science and Technology. These Institutes serve as important vehicles for cooperation w ith universities abroad. They also pro mote and guide ind ividua l faculty research into broader, inter- disciplinary group projects from which a research unit, centre or independent institute can be formed, especially when outside financial support is obtainable. Research units and centres work w ith in the Institutes w ith maximum flex ib ility and largely on their own initiative. W ith in broad guidelines established by the Ins ti tutes, these units and centres plan and carry out research projects w ith their own administrative and research staff. The existence o f the research groups does not , however , preclude the engagement o f teachers in their own ind ividua l research projects. The institutes and centres w ith in the University serve many purposes , o f which the coordination o f research across college and departmental lines is one o f the most important. They further the v ita l process o f integration. In The Chinese University, this co- ordination o f research is accomplished through close cooperation w ith the Senate. A ll matters relating to the development o f re search, the publication o f research reports and the in itia tion o f graduate training are recommended to the Chairman o f the Sen 36