The First Six Years 1963-69

vices and a clearing house o f employment information. The stu dents, the employers and the community a ll benefit from this ser vice. This does not include ind iv idua l student counselling, which is the responsibility o f the counselling sta ff o f the respective Founda tion Colleges. A series o f pre-employment lectures were planned and given fo r 3rd- and 4th-year students o f the University from December 1968 to March 1969. A Pre-Employment Workshop for graduating students, organized by the University Appointments Service, was held in February 1969. The two-day Workshop consisted o f se minars, role-playing, discussion groups and demonstrations on various aspects o f student preparation fo r a successful career upon graduation. T h irty -s ix community leaders, representing a cross- section o f Government, Trade, Industry, Social W ork and Public Service, participated in the Workshop as would-be employers. They worked closely w ith the Appointments Service staff to pre pare the students for future employment. This Workshop proved o f such value to the moderators as well as the students tha t W ork shops o f sim ilar nature w ill be featured annually as a permanent pa rt o f the Appointments Service programme. A t present, the Foundation Colleges are maintaining the ir own separate health services. In June 1969, the Trustees o f the Yale-in-China Association, Inc ., New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A., donated a sum o f US $200,000 to The Chinese University for the construction o f a University Hea lth Centre, which is expected to be completed during the summer o f 1971. A University Hea lth Pro gramme Committee was appointed to work out a detailed health programme fo r implementation when the Hea lth Centre becomes available and Un ited and New Asia Colleges move to the new campus. In accordance w ith the Committee's recommendation and w ith the financia l assistance o f the Josiah Macy, J r. Founda tion, a D irector o f the University Hea lth Service has been appoint ed to assume duty on January 1, 1970. The designated D irector is planning and coordinating an overall health programme, which w ill make more comprehensive medical benefits available to the students and staff. A ll three Colleges conduct physical education and sports pro grammes despite the fact tha t the present athletic facilities at two o f the Colleges are very lim ited . O n ly Chung Chi College has its own sports fie ld and a stadium donated by M r. C h an Tak-ta i, a local businessman. Games are played fo r enjoyment, to satisfy the desire fo r competition and to acquire skills which can continue to be used and enjoyed by the student after graduation. Emphasis is placed not on ju s t a few major sports bu t on pa rtic ipa tion in a wide varie ty o f games. 75