A New Era Begins 1975-78

by a series of interdisciplinary research institutes and centres, and by the University Press. Finally, the University makes its far-ranging expertise available to Hong Kong as a public service. Distinctive Mission The Chinese University infuses these modern university functions wi th a special set of objectives which constitute its distinctive educational the integration of Chinese and Western intellectual and cultural traditions. As stated in The Emerging University, 1970-1974: “This objective has been the shaping force in each of the University's basic functions 一 instruction, research, and public service. This goal, it should be noted, requires a deepened understanding of Chinese learning and culture as well as a mastery of Western empirical methods and scientific knowledge. Bilingualism is therefore a fundamental functional requirement. The undergraduate programme endeavours to produce young men and women who can function effectively in the interface of these great cultures." This distinctive educational mission, it must be stressed , is not some separate, isolated objective given token implementation in a conventional programme. The goal of integrating and blending Chinese and Western cultures is a pervasive institutional goal, demanding implementation in many fields of instruction and research. Chinese data must be developed in these fields of knowledge and made part of their current theory and method. Thus, The Chinese University is committed to the inclusion of a Chinese dimension in as many academic disciplines as possible. As a corollary o f this distinctive educational goal, The Chinese University assumes an institutional responsibility for preserving and enriching the Chinese cultural tradition. Organic Principle In a discussion of the enduring goals of The Chinese University, we must include an idea which has played a vital role in the implementation of those goals—the conception of the University as an organic whole, rather than an association of discrete parts. As stated in The Emerging University, 1970-1974, this idea was a fundamental guiding principle during the first decade of the University's development: “The first guiding principle, the organic concept of organization and functions, enables the University to maximize the use of its total resources 一 people, facilities, funds 一 and thus enrich and expand its educational programme. In the organic concept all components function to achieve the major goals of the total institution." The Emerging University provides many illustrations of this principle in the various operations of the University. For our discussion of the enduring goals in the present Report, we need to recognize that the 12