A New Era Begins 1975-78

cooperative undertakings, among them are j o i nt publication projects between the Chinese University Press and various institutions in France, and arrangements for two French scholars to conduct research in the Institute of Chinese Studies and for two Chinese University scholars to pursue research projects at French institutions. The International Asian Studies Programme at The Chinese University would be open to French students. International Conferences and Workshops During the past quadrennium, The Chinese University sponsored an increased number of international conferences and workshops. Briefly described, these conferences in chronological order are as follows: ( 1) Symposium on Paintings and Calligraphy by Ming I-min, co- sponsored by the Institute of Chinese Studies and the Harvard- Yenching Institute, 31st August to 3rd September, 1975. About sixty scholars, collectors, and artists participated. The Symposium, supported by a special exhibition in the Ar t Gallery, was designed to promote a better understanding of the art of a critical period in Chinese cultural history. A fully illustrated bilingual catalogue of the exhibition was prepared by the Art Gallery, and the proceedings of the Symposium were later published as a special issue of the Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Vo l. 8, No. 2. ( 2) Workshop on the Training for Communication Research, co- sponsored by the Centre for Communication Studies and the Lutheran World Federation in Geneva, 8th to 13th January, 1976. Participants came from Malaysia, India, Ethiopia, Japan, England, Nigeria, France, and Switzerland. ( 3) Conference on Women and the Media, he ld 6 t h t o 10 th Ap r i l, 1976. Discussion focused upon Asian women, their legal and social problems, their problems and opportunities in the communications field. About 50 Asian representatives participated in the conference. (4) The Fourth Asian Conference on Art Education, j o i n t ly sponsored by The Chinese University and the International Society for Education Through Ar t, 28th to 30th December, 1976. About 150 participants from Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan participated in the discussions which were focused on the theme: “Oriental Art in the Changing World". ( 5 ) A Training Course on the Cultivation of Edible Fungi (Mushrooms), cooperatively sponsored by The Chinese University, UNESCO, the United Nations Environmental Programme, the International Cell Research Organization, and the Hong Kong Committee for Scientific Co-ordination from 27th June to 16th July, 1977. Participants included representatives from West Germany, Japan, the U.S.A., the Philippines, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Hong Kong. (See Section V I I ) 80