《校長報告書》 1978–82

——:《八十年代中國人的歸屬心態》,《信報財經月刊》,3 : 11 ( 1980.2 )。 ——:《中國經濟現代化的錯綜信念》,《信報財經月刊》,4 : 1 ( 1980.4 ) 。 ——:《中港貿易前瞻》,《信報財經月刊》,4 : 2 ( 1980.5 ) 。 ——:《從「政經合一」到「經濟掛帥」看廣州交易會的改進》,《信報財經月刊》,4 : 3 ( 1980.6 ) 。 ——:《港府設計「香港地方行政模式」之模式》,《信報財經月刊》,4 : 4 ( 1980.7 ) 。 ——:《香港華商對外投資的特質》,《信報財經月刊》,4 : 6 ( 1980.9 ) 。 ——:《香港居民應如何看香港前途問題》,《信報財經月刊》,52 ( 1981.7 ) 。 ——: → 033. Tam, Kwok-chi 譚國治 ——: → 033. Tse, Kwai-chee David 謝貴枝 —— : → 031. T u n g ,Suk-ching Ho 董何淑貞 —— "The era of the female manager?—Looking back and looking forward ." Hong Kong Manager, 1981.11. ——: → 034, 036 & 037. Yau, Hon-ming 游漢明 ——. "Comparing clustering dendrograms." Chung Chi Bulletin, 1979. ——. "Comparing hierarchical dendrograms." Chung Chi Bulletin, 1980. —— : →031 ,032, 037, 039 & 040. 系内同寅合著 Co-authored Publications (Intra-department) 031 閔建蜀、李金漢、謝貴枝、游漢明:《市塲管理》,香港:商務印書館, 1982。 032 閔建蜀、游漢明:《市場研究:基本方法》,香港:中文大學出版社, 1979。 033 Shih, Ta-lang and Tam, Kwok-chi. "A political analysis of Sino-Japanese trade negotiations." Journal of The Chinese University of Hong K o n g , 5:1 (1979). 034 Mun, Kin-chok and Tung, Suk-ching Ho. "Foreign investment in Hong Kong ." In Hong Kong: Economic, Social and Political Studies in Development, edited by Rance P.L. Lee, T.B. Lin and U.E. Simonis. New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1979. 035 Mun, Kin-chok and Murray, Hugh. "The advertised demand for marketing personnel in Hong Kong and the job qualifications demanded ." The Hong Kong Manager, 15:9 (1979). 036 Lo, Wing-chun and Tung, Suk-ching Ho. "Going international: Set your steps right." The Hong Kong Manager, 1982.8; also 《香港中華總商會會刊》, 4 ( 1982 ) 。 037 Mun, Kin-chok; Tung, Suk-ching Ho ; and Yau, Hon-ming. "Students' attitudes toward marketing education." The Chinese University Education Journal, 10:1 (1982). 工商管理碩士學部 MBA Division Chung, Yu-to 鍾汝滔 ——. "The general types of government budgeting." Journal of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 5:1 (1979). ——."TheHong Kong tax system." Paper of The Research Institute of Business Management Studies of The Chinese Univesity of Hong Kong. 1980.5. ——. "Inflation and business management." Hong Kong Executive, 1982.8. C r a g i n ,John P. ——. "Grading and anxiety: A strategy for coping. " Exchange: The Organizational Behavior Teaching Journal, 6:1 (1981). ——. "Team learning." Exchange: The Organizational Behavior Teaching Journal, 1982. ——. "Administrative size and organizational performance in government-funded human servic e organizations." In Academy of Management Meetings, 1982; Hong Kong Journal of Business, 1982. —— and (Mui, Regina). "The transfer of management technique t o PRC." Hong Kong Economic Journal, 1981.3. ——: → 042 & 043. 89