《校長報告書》 1982–85

醫學院院務室 Office of the Faculty of Medicine Lam, Yuk-miu 林育苗 —: → 127,128, 131, 132,134,135. 院内同寅合著 Co-authored Publications (Intra-faculty) 120 Chan, H.J. Hou; Chew, Eng-ching; Chew, Siew-boon Cheng; Lam, T.K.; and Riches, David J. “A fine structural study of microwave fixation on nervoustissue .” In Proceedings of the Third Asia Pacific Conference on Electron Microscopy,edited by M.F. Chung, pp. 269-270. Singapore: Applied Research Corporation, 1984. 121 Chan, Kelvin; Lau, Edith M.C.; and So, Ping-cham. “The use of narcotic analgesics in hospital practice in Hong Kong .” In Proceedings of the 1985 British Pharmacological Society Meeting, p. 49. Southampton, 1985. 122 Chan, Kelvin; Lok, S.Y.L.; and Teoh, Robert. "The simultaneous determination of five anti-epileptic drugs in plasma by high performance liquid chromatography." Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (Spain), 6:11 (1984 ), pp. 701-704. 123 Chan, Kelvin; (Samarasinghe, H.T .); and Teoh, Robert. “Monitoring anti-convulsant drugs in mentally handicapped children with epilepsy by H.P.L.C .” Neuroscience Letters, 20-Supplement (1985.4 ), p. S35. 124 Chang, Allan Mang Zing; Lao, Terence Tzu-hsi; and So, Ping-cham. “Obstetric epidural service in Hong Kong - Analysis of progress in the first six months .” Asian-OceanicJournal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1985. 125 Chang, Allan Mang Zing; Mao, Kenneth R.; Panesar, Nixmal S.; Riches, David J.; and Tam, Patrick P.L. “A report on the fertilization of human eggs in vitro. ”Journal of the Hong Kong Medical Association, 37:2 (1985.6), pp. 59-62. 126 Chew, Eng-ching; Lai, Kar-neng; Lee, Joseph C.K.; and Mac-Moune Lai, Fernand. “Microwave fixation of renal tissue in clinical diagnostic studies .” In Proceedings of the 21st Scientific Meeting of Australasian Society of Nephrology. New Zealand, 1985. 127 (Choi, H.Y.); Donnan, Stuait P.; (Foo, K.S.; Lam, P .); Lam, Yuk-miu; and (Lund, C.D.) “General practice in Hong Kong- patterns of management 1981 to 1982.” The Hong Kong Practitioner, 5:3 (1983.3), pp. 473-483. 128 (Choi, H.Y.); Donnan, Stuart P.; (Foo, K.S.; Lam, P .); Lam, Yuk-miu; and (Lund, C.D.) “Morbidity in general practice 1981 to 1982." The Hong Kong Practitioner, 5:6 (1983.6), pp. 584-594. 129 Davies, David P.; Lau, Edith M.C.; and (Wong, K.W.) "School abstinence, physical size and hospital admission of asthmatic patients in Caritas Medical Centre." Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics, 2 (1985), pp. 166-171. 130 Davies, David P.; Lau, Edith M.C.; and (Wong, K.W.) “Asthma and weather conditions in Hong Kong.” (Letter) Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics, 2 (1985), pp. 272-274. 131 Donnan, Stuart P.; Lam, Yuk-miu; and Lau, Edith M.C. "Geographical and socio-economic variations in ischaemic heart disease in men in Hong Kong." Annals of the Academy of Medicine (Singapore), 13:2 (1984 ), pp. 211-215. 132 Donnan, Stuart P.; Lam, Yuk-miu. and Tan, Tan-chew. “Cluster sampling in the measurement of stress, demographic and health variables in Hong Kong." In Proceedings of the Symposium on Cross-cultural Psychiatric Epidemiology. Hong Kong: Department of Psychiatry of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1984.5. 133 Hui, S.W.; Kung, L.S.; Leung, Ping-chung; and Riches, David J. "Ultrastructural observations on hypertrophic scaring in Chinese.” Journal of Cutaneous Pathology, 10 (1984), pp. 392-393. 134 Lam, Yuk-miu and Tan, Tan-chew. “Work-related illness experience among female clerical workers in a Hong Kong institu- tion." The Hong Kong Practitioner, 1985 , pp. 1115-1122. 135 Lam, Yuk-miu and Tan, Tan-chew. “Mortality from nasopharyngeal carcinoma and occupation in men in Hong Kong from 1976-1981.”Annals of the Academy of Medicine (Singapore), 13:2-Supplement (1984 ), pp. 361-365. 136 Lao, Terence Tzu-hsi; and So, Ping-cham. “Analysis of a hundred cases of epidural analgesia for labour." The Hong Kong Practitioner, 7:1 (1985), pp. 1068-1070. 137 Lao, Terence Tzu-hsi; and So, Ping-cham. "Comparison of general and epidural anaesthesia for Caesarean section .” In Proceedings of the Fourth Asean Congress of Anaesthesiologists, Jakarta, 1985. 理學院 Faculty of Science 生物化學系 Department of Biochemistry Cheng, Christopher K K. 鄭漢其 — and Tsim , Karl W.K. "Evidence for the involvement of essential sulphydryl group in rat hepatic lactogenic receptor but not in somatogenic receptor." Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 38 (1984 ), pp. 61-66. —: → 139,290,306,307,308,309,310,311,312. 103