《校長報告書》 1982–85

院内同寅合著 Co-authored Publications (Intra-faculty) 238 (Chen, D.T.Y.; Fong, P.H.; Leung, M.K.); Ng, Howard C.H.; and Wong, Joseph S.P. "Evaluation of kinetic parameters from thermogravimetric curves Part III. Modifications of the differential correction method ." Thermochimica Acta, 84 (1985 ), pp. 263-271. 239 (Cheng, K.F.); Kong, Yun-cheung, Lam, Choi-nang; and Mak, Thomas Chung Wai. "The structure of yuechukene: A novel bis-indole alkaloid for Murraya paniculata. "Jiegou Huaxue, 4 (1985 ), pp. 304-307. 240 Choy, Chung-loong; Leung, Wing-pun; and Ng, Howard C.H. "Sorption and diffusion of toluene in isotropic and oriented linear polyethylene." Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics Edition, 23 (1985), pp. 973-989. 241 Choy, Thomas T.C.; Chu, S.M.; Leung, Albert W.N.; and Tso, Wung-wai. "Studies on the effects of panaz ginseng in antagonizing the acute alcoholic intoxication." In Proceedings of the UNESCO Fifth ASOMPS (Seoul), p. 84. 242 Choy, Thomas T.C.; Chu, S.M.; Leung, Albert W.N.; and Tso, Wung-wai. "Evaluation of the efficacy of some Chinese medicinal herbs i n antagonizing the acute effects of alcohol." Neuroscience Letters, 20-Supplement (1984 ), p. S33. 243 Choy, Thomas T.C.; Chu, S.M.; and Tso, Wung-wai. "Quantification of the sedative efficacy of some Chinese medicinal herbs." In Abstracts of the International Symposium on Chinese Medicinal Material Research, p.51. Hong Kong, 1984.6. 244 Ooi, Vincent E.C.; (Shum L.K.W .); and Yeung, Hin-wing. "Effects of Momordica charantia seed extract on the rat midterm placenta ." In Advances in Chinese Medicinal Material Research, edited by Chang Hson-mon, Yeung Hin-wing, Tso Wung-wai and Anthony Koo, p. 679. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co., Ltd., 1985. 社會科學院 Faculty of Social Science 人類學系 Department of Anthropology C h i a o , Chien 喬 健 —:《香港地區的石祭初探》,《族譜、方志、人物傳記對地方史之應用與價値研討會論文彙編》(林天蔚編),香港大學亞洲研究中 心,1985。 — 編:《現代化與中國文化研討會論文彙編》,香港中文大學社會科學院暨社會研究所,1985。 —:《建立中國人計策行爲模式芻議》,《現代化與中國文化研討會論文彙編》(喬健編),頁327 — 335,香港中文大學社會科學院暨 社會研究所,1985。 —、梁礎安:《香港地區「打小人」儀式》,《中央研究院民族學研究所集刊》,54 ( 1984 )。 —. "Cognitive play: Some minor rituals among Hong Kong Cantonese ." East AsianCivilization, 2 (1983), pp. 138-144. —. "Reference system and culture change : A diachronic account of the Rikavon Puyuma unto the fifties ." In Proceedings of the International Conference on China Border Area Studies. Taipei, 1984. —. "Chinese strategic behaviour: Some general principles ." In The Content of Culture: Constants and Variants (Studies in honour of John M. Roberts), edited by Ralph Bolton. New Haven: HRAF Press, 1985. —. "Games are forever: A preliminary discussion on continuity and change in manipulative behaviour of the Chinese." East Asian C i v i l i z a t i o n , 3 (1985). —. "A historic meeting: An organizer's report of the Conference on Modernization and Chinese Culture." East Asian Civilization, 3 (1985). —︰ → 245, 270. H s i e h , Jiann 謝 劍 —:《彝寨去來》,《明報月刊》,199 ( 1982 ),頁85—92。 —:《民族政策》,《中華人民共和國憲法論文集》(翁松燃編),頁 10 7 — 124 ,香港中文大學出版社, 1984。 —:《撒梅族源初探》,《中央研究院民族學研究所集刊》, 54 ( 1984 ) ,頁 129 — 145。 —:《排瑤命名制度淺釋》,《貴州民族研究》, 1 ( 1985 ) ,頁 69 — 78。 — . "The 1982 Constitution and the policy toward nationalities ." Chinese Law and Government (New York), 16:2/3 (1983 ), pp. 67-87. —. Book Review: Fei Xiaotung and Sociology in Revolutionary China by R. David Arkush. Asian Folklore Studies (Nagoya ), 42:2 (1983), pp. 302-305. —. China's Policy toward the Minority Nationalities in an Anthropological Perspective. Honolulu: East West Center, 1984. —. "Population structure and family pattern under directed social-cultural change: The Samei case in Yunnan, PRC ." International Review of Modern Sociology, 14:1 (1984), pp. 1-22. —. "An old bottle with a new brew: The Waichow Hakkas' associations in Hong Kong." Human Organization, 44:2 (1985), pp. 154-161. —︰ → 245. 127